Fax: fax.courtofrecord.uk/w94Cf7kl Date: 2016-10-21 To: 13038662003 Colorado Gov John Hickenlooper GWB Court of Record G R EC OR LEX TERRAE OF ES D L LO BAL IS Ref: courtofrecord.uk/scotch-drunk CC TO: U.S. State Governors FAX: 13038662003 CC DATE: 21 October 2016 ‘Scotch drunk’, U.S. Elections cancelled COURT Court of Record Postfach 73 Unterageri CH6314 Switzerland secretary@courtofrecord.org UK FAX : +44 1234 48 0111 To: U.S. State Sovernors, Secretaries of State et al Subject: co u rto freco rd .u k/US-Electio n -Can celled The chatter cries, “Checkmate!”, but the dance goes on, … “fusion project axed!”, “Kirill meets with Queen”; Moon in Orion is trine Mercury+Spica+Sun; Moon is now conjunct Betelgeuse, Russian aircraft carrier is now reported in the English Channel. Sh e h as rais ed T h e M ace Macpherson’s lost his strut IKEA in Reading has been closed shut Beamish is feeling a tad bit squeamish Giggling JAGs are One Teamish; … U.S. State Go vern o rs via Secretaries Of State : Thou art commanded to seize all election equipment and ballots, etc., and evict UN, DHS, IRS, MSF, etc., and ‘secret’ underground bases, for example, in Denver. Elite American-Russian-Chinese-British forces are on standby to assist and to dismantle, for example, “The Big One” earthquake super weapon in California, now seen to be used in blackmail. “Is it a valid co n tract ?” has the answer built-in - it is a tract of text which is a co n . Example: US Con-stitution. 11th Amendment says only idiots sign co n tract s with it. Ever seen the “The Turkey on The Hill?” The Owl and the Pussycat are busy stuffing The Turkey on The Hill this Thanksgiving. Art thou a Muslim Sultan without a beard? Do you invoke the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, DMCA, Copyright, Patents, ARIN, UN, The Hague, “Human” rights etc? “Grow a beard then and stop eating pork”, says Mahakali, “what part of fu ck o ff do you not understand?”. Macho males are striving to-be-a-Man. Boobs with “boo tee ee foo ooo oo ol lipstick“, says Mahakali, make not a woman, leave alone a Goddess-star. A sex-education teaches thee nothing about shraddha which is true love. Etiquette helps hide a barbarian in fine clothes c.f. Matthew 6:5. “The authority of Chaput is Kaput” says She. Thou must download print and publish on the public record: co u rto freco rd .u k/US-Electio n -Can celled co u rto freco rd .u k/p res s -2 co u rto freco rd .u k/p res s -1 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: H.R.H. Prince Philip Lord High Admiral cc: H.R.H. Princess Anne, The Princess Royal cc: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lord High Steward cc: H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Palmyra, Joint Intelligence Chief cc: Court of St. James cc: His Excellency George W. Bush Duke of America in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Allies for the Rule of God’s Law cc: The Newspaper of Record Open Letter Amicus curiæ 18 October 2016 May it please Your Majesty, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, greeting! E x odus 32, M a t t he w 21: 12-13 He r M a j e st y Que e n E l i z a b e t h [I I ] M a g i st ra t e Contact Tre a son A c t 1351 Hi s Hol i ne ss P op e F ra nc i s Lord Keir Arg ent, Plaintiff Michael Burke, Plaintiff & Bailiff vs References: courtofrecord.uk/Treason-QBD courtofrecord.uk/British-PDF c ourt of re c ord. uk / US -E l e c t i on-C a nc e l l e d ‘Readme’ posted to www.courtofrecord.uk World Bankers, Judges, Priests, Shrinks, Bureaucrats, Politicians, UN, UK, EU, et al. “Koo-oooh-roo-ooo-h” She sings, drunk on a bottle of Single Malt Scotch Whisky, and Her ten arms are seen in the Sidereal Sky; “k … shea a a a tRAaaaah” ! Neptune opposite Node+Alioth, Saturn+Antares opposite Aldebaran forming a Grand Cross, pierced, “in the heart” by Pluto+Mars+Vega opposite Sirius, Sun+Spica opposite Ceres+Andromeda, Uranus opposite Mercury, Moon opposite Venus. If even a spark of that Vision should touch thee, dear reader, it would cause each hair on thy skin to turn into a sex organ and thy pores ejaculate beads of sweat! “He-eee-ee-l-ii-eee-ooo-um”, sings Mahakali as She shows a little red-headed boy like William of Richmal Crompton, “striving towards the sun”, playing red-Indians with a “toe-ooh-ka-ma-aaak”, an axe. The Channel Tunnel is closed due to a power outage, says the news. French police officers are on strike, M.I.T. announced near-blue success with a fusion reactor. Should the Joint Intelligence Chief check his information screens, he will find it revealed that combined U.S. and Russian aircraft carrier battle groups are sporting with F15 formations in the North Sea. “Is there a Hydrogen Bomb on French soil that is primed to go off so violently that it would take Europe and Britain with it?”, is the question to ask, and is this the threat those Cunts of Darkness, who are in bed with the British Permanent Secretary of the Treasury and The Clerk of the Parliaments, have invoked to avoid arrest? “Listen to a story. A man said to his friend, ‘I have just seen a house fall down with a terrific crash.’ Now, the friend to whom he told this had received an English education. He said: ‘Just a minute. Let me look it up in the newspaper.’ He read the paper but could not find the news of a house falling down with a crash. Thereupon he said to his friend: ‘Well, I d o n ’t b elieve yo u . It is n ’t in th e p ap er; s o it is all fals e.’ ” (All laugh.) -- Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Meanwhile, The Indian Defence Minister expects us to believe that, if the Chief of the Indian Army claims in the news that, as Sri Mahakali interjects, “Jawans have landed on the Moon”, we should believe him. “Equipped with such arms, our lady the Common Law may take to herself the praise of the lover in the Song of Songs. Her justice is as fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners.” -- Sir Frederick Pollock, The Genius of The Common Law. We believe, that should Your Majesty make the appropriate enquires, Your Majesty shall find that U.S. Navy and Air force Judge Advocate Generals (JAG) specialised in Maritime and Admiralty law are “on standby” to make arrests of “bankers and mucky-mucks”, at Your Majesty’s pleasure. Clock in the sky now says Moon is now trine Jupiter. We send our love to YHVH for Your Majesty! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master PDF version: fax.courtofrecord.uk/w94Cf7kl www.courtofrecord.uk