Court of Record 115 George Lane London E18 1AB Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II cc: His Holiness Pope Francis Open Letter Amicus curiæ 31st Aug 2014 5 May it please Your Majesty, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Good News for all men, women and children, greeting! We forward below the text of our fax to His Holiness Pope Francis sent on 25 Aug 2014: 10 Holy Father Francis, Ave Maria! We pray for Your Holiness and family. It is tragic that lunatics imagine that such deeds will serve their cause. i 15 We have just read this as we have had a contemplative weekend, reflecting on the news we listen to and what YHVH is creating, in the world and in our vicinity. Faith is like a Rock, Rock is itself Being. Being made manifest is 'Christ', the Anointed One, Teacher. From the Teacher's point of view, there is no distinction between disciple and teacher, all that appears is the LORD God, YHVH, Ground of Being. 20 Those who know this not, who try to plan to hold on to possessions by force are fools, yet those who do not see deeper into the pages of history may think that force alone works. Rome around the time of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, Rome overcame Egypt by force. Not that long after, our LORD Jesus Christ reversed the situation. The ancient mystery of Being re-asserted itself and Rome fell to ruin. 25 30 35 Rome of Caesar's was built on cruelty and force, which seemed "needed" to sustain the population and the infrastructure. Temples had turned into slaughter houses. It is similar to today. We continue to pray that good sense prevails. There is yet time for the most wicked to accept the inevitable rather than 'fight' it. The change is not starting now - Swami Vivekananda came to answer the prayer of the then Pope Pius IX at the time of the Roman Question: "Fine loyalty! You are all a set of vipers, of whited sepulchres, and wanting in faith.", said Pope Pius IX in 1870. It can be seen now, even by noninsiders, that Pope Pius IX chose those words, particularly "sepulchres" because the news that Europe had gone back to death worship, digging up graves in Egypt, would have been known to him. Now the vipers and death worshippers think they have prevailed... what they do not see is Divine Law, God's vengeance writ large over their families and countries. What a terrible price for such foolishness! In a round up of news, in Ferguson, Missouri: 40 "see a table with a colouring book, a box of crayons and a sock puppet, " Lots of 'celebrities', are getting a bucket of ice water dumped on them, George W Bush and Bill Clinton, former U.S. Presidents and Alistair Darling and [Alex] Salmond in England/Scotland. Truth 1/19 is like an ice bucket, it can shock you awake. Perhaps the Gospel of Truth is percolating. 45 The Russian trucks are safely back from Ukraine, the 'false flag' White Horse of the Apocalypse ii, stopped in time: 50 55 60 We believe that steps must now be taken in all Latin American countries to stop the destruction of the lower classes by Drug Gangs who are tearing up Truth to steal and incite violence. We hear reports of false accusations, reports of fake police and fake doctors, people killed and dumped, business stripped of cash, the poorest employees going without pay and then falsely accused of stealing after 'new management' takes over. One youth, apparently to "prove" himself as virulently anti-Christian enough, set fire to his mother's house in the 'barrio'. We would suggest that steps be taken by those whose competence it is, to find and arrest those loose cannons that have lost all sense of compassion . By this we do not mean just the local police, for it is not a massive police enforcement that is required, what is required is more like a counter-intelligence operation. Spanish-civil-war style plans that have been laid out must be scuppered. Unlike old King Henry VIII who stole the Church's golden candlesticks, we do not need any gold at all. The Law of God followed, results in knowledge of "the universe in a pinhole in your heart". The entire kingdom of God is within! What more could one want? We want the best for the families, rich and poor alike. Only with 'spiritual understanding' can this happen. There is no need for 'credit', or 'bitcoin'. To make USE of the gold, it must go back into the hands of living men and women who can set prices once again. Gold has served no purpose whatsoever at the BIS, Federal Reserve or other bank , other than for 'intellectual masturbation'. 65 We pray that the LORD God, most Holy Peace, reveal-er and remover of obstacles, intercede to reveal Truth to light the path for all men, women and children. We recall here what we wrote in a fax sent 14 Aug 2014 to 10 Downing Street thus: There is no authority for war. All necessary force is authorized to arrest lunatics and idiots before 'Jesus Christ' in this Contemplative Court of Record. 70 The Law of Egypt, The Law of Moses: The sin of the golden calf: It can be revealed WHY treasures and gold were buried with the Pharaohs of Egypt. This is so that the son who inherits the throne has to rule with only THE LAW as his support - his father's treasure and gold were buried. Only lunatics and idiots go on about the treasures for the 'after life'. 75 Accumulation of gold in the hands of the sovereign power leads to tyranny. This ancient wisdom was known to Moses and why worshippers of the 'fatted golden calf' were killed. The evidence is available about the Law of Moses. How much gold does this Court of Record of YHVH, Ground of Being, Amun-Ra, need to rule? Answer: NONE! Gold is just a tally stick. Westerners are lunatics and idiots, who without the grace of God, would perish in large numbers. 80 "10" Downing Street, is itself Masonic speech for rule by the god Aten. See the sun above the door. Aten is the visible sun, Amun-Ra is the Ground of Being in the Sun, Christ, the Awakened One. Say hello to Christ when you see the sun. The sun (Aten) and Christ (Amun-Ra) are within thee. The one who KNOWS this is Osiris, Christ, the Awakened One, who writes you this letter. Moses and Jesus Christ and I are One! 85 '"The God in the sun is the ‘I’ in me"--this put tersely is the essence of man's relationship to divinity. A whole book may be needed to explain it, a whole lifetime to get direct experience of its truth as insight.' Notebooks of Paul Brunton 2/19 90 ‘Listening’, SH’MA or Shema1, to the ‘news’ reports of that which the LORD has created new, we see changes of government taking place in many European countries that were notified, as well as contemplation of “dissolution” in ‘France’ 2. We see news that reflects the budding development of similar ‘dissolution politics’ in many countries: Ukraine 3, Pakistan4, Egypt5, India6, ‘Great Britain’7, etc. We continue to wait for intelligent commentary or insight on why it is unfolding in this way. 95 The courtesy copy of our Amicus curiæ to The Honourable Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States, sent to Hon. Thomas P. Griesa, United States District Judge, also copied to ‘Argentina’, has ensured that the ‘legal idiots’ amongst Argentina bond holders got no payment, not even ‘interest’. The case now serves to identify ‘legal idiots’ amongst the ‘vulture funds’ and at the ‘Paris Club’. 100 We see that, “Philippine de Rothschild, … self-certain grande dame of Bordeaux wine ..., has died ... She was 80 … "from the effects of a serious operation"” 8. We also see the news item, “Police have arrested 18 members of a secret ‘Ndrangheta’ mafia cell operating in Frauenfeld, Switzerland, after their meeting was filmed in secret” … The video has given investigators a rare and valuable insight into the private rituals of the Calabrian Mafia and the often discreet expansion of its international operations. The presumed boss, Antonio Nesci, nicknamed “Cucchiaruni” – Calabrian dialect for the “Swiss mountain” – is heard telling his colleagues the local cell has been active in the Frauenfeld for 40 years, before telling the younger members there is room for plenty of growth. 105 “You can work in everything – extortion, cocaine, heroin,” he said. “There’s everything. 10 kilos, 20 kilos a day, I will bring it to you personally but I don’t want to know any more about it.” 110 In a chilling reminder of the Mafia’s uncompromising violence, the boss says decisions about “murders and extortion” must be referred to those who are specifically designated to carry out those tasks. Nesci says the organisation has been established in the Swiss town since the 1970s and urges the younger ones to respect the “clean” reputation that the Mafia, sometimes referred to as the “Honoured Society”, has built in Frauenfeld, a town of only 23,000 inhabitants. 115 “For those who know us well, (we are) clean, clean, clean, it took us years to build this reputation,” he says. “We made our reputation. You young ones (should) do it so that the 'society’ is respected. I repeat again, the 'society’ of Frauenfeld is one of honour, wisdom and dignity.” 120 In the video viewers may also be surprised to see the signs of the Mafia’s strict standards of loyalty. Nesci asks those gathered if all are “compliant” to the organisation, to which they respond they are. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 “If only you would listen to these laws ...” (Deut. 7: 12). These words with which our parsha begins contain a verb that is a fundamental motif of the book of Devarim. The verb is sh-m-a. It occurred in last week’s parsha in the most famous line of the whole of Judaism, Shema Yisrael. It occurs later in this week’s parsha in the second paragraph of the Shema, “It shall be if you surely listen [shamoa tishme’u] ... (Deut. 11: 13). It appears no less than 92 times in Devarim as a whole. … Former Chief Rabbi Baron Sir Dr. Jonathan Henry Lord Sacks 3/19 He refers to the ’Ndrangheta’s regulations dating back to 1830 and also draws inspiration from three knights as he blesses the room and the members, saying: “As they were baptised with irons and chains, with irons and chains I baptise you.” 125 The Telegraph9 130 135 140 It appears that the LORD God, YHVH, Ground of Being, by their ‘arrest’, has granted them the “irons and chains” they wished for. “Honour, wisdom and dignity” are not possible without Truth, YHVH, Ground of Being, Our Father of Fathomless Mercy for His creation. Truth is merciful, Truth ‘sets you free’. Truth is the foundation of honour and dignity. Truth followed in one’s heart can never lead to “murders and extortion”. ‘Hard men’ of wicked deeds who ‘do’ things, may become the greatest benefactors of mankind – these are the men we wish to ‘covert’ to the merciful way of Truth, the way of our LORD, Jesus Christ. Further to our courtesy copy to the Senators and Congressmen responsible for the ‘Department of Homeland Security’, the text of which is in the endnotes below, we see that in the U.S., “Dozens of police departments suspended for losing US military-grade weaponry” 10. The ‘idiotic’ nature of the statutes of the U.S. Congress, inspired by the Ottoman Sultan’s Qanun Law, must now have become apparent to those who legislated it. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI ushered in the current epoch by His Holiness’ Christmas 2012 Christmas message11 in the Financial Times, ‘ “Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God,” was the response of Jesus when asked about paying taxes. … In Italy, many crib scenes feature the ruins of ancient Roman buildings in the background. This shows that the birth of the child Jesus marks the end of the old order, the pagan world, in which Caesar’s claims went virtually unchallenged. Now there is a new king, who relies not on the force of arms, but on the power of love’. We recall here that we wrote in a fax sent 2014-08-01-01:20 to Pope Francis: 145 “Fakirs are out of fashion, especially in front of the neo-Roman Ruins as Render unto Fakirs seems to be in vogue with Mahakali who is fulfilling two prayers of two Holy Fathers. “Those Fakirs who worry about how Mahakali shall 'enforce' The Law, do not know The Greatness of Saturn. “Saturn needs no dogs.” 150 155 It can be seen in the bedrock in heaven, that Saturn, who personifies The Law of the LORD, has dumped an ice cold bucket of water on ‘red hot’ Mars and his barking dogs of war. Many souls have been placed on the Scales of Justice in heaven and found wanting by the Heavenly Magistrate 12. Truth revealed has ensured that the ‘bottom line’ has disappeared from beneath the ‘cash position’ of ‘Vulture Funds’ amidst much barking and gnashing of teeth while snakes scramble, slip and slither down the pit. We record as an endnote in this letteriii our courtesy copies to those who run the State of Israel, which in turn has copies of fax notes sent to other instruments of ‘governance’ in the Vineyard of our LORD. As legal infants throw their toys out of their pram, we have picked them up. We believe that the 9 10 11 12 “Balancing night with the length of day when after a year's space we enjoy the new vintage of the ripened grape, the Scales will bestow the employment of weights and measures and a son to emulate the talents of Palamedes, who first assigned numbers to things, and to these numbers names, fixed magnitudes, and individual symbols. He will also be acquainted with the tables of law, abstruse legal points, and words denoted by compendious signs; he will know what is permissible and the penalties incurred by doing what is forbidden; in his own house he is a people's magistrate holding lifelong office. Under no other sign would Servius [Servius Sulpicius Rufus, ca. 106-43 BC, extolled as the greatest of jurists by Cicero] more fittingly have been born, who in interpreting the law framed legislation of his own. Indeed, whatever stands in dispute and needs a ruling the pointer of the Balance will determine”. [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century AD, book 4, p.239] 4/19 160 time is ripe for us to do more for Your Majesty and all men, women and children. We recall Your Majesty’s advice that the king must be seen by his subjects and how extensively Your Majesty has travelled in the Commonwealth to build bridges of understanding between people and nations. We remember now, as we write this letter about bridges of compassion, the importance of loving contemplation of the LORD, Ground of Being, Brahman, YHVH, Jesus Christ, Allah. 165 It is our wish that our London secretary, whose name and contact information is forwarded on the cover sheet, is granted an audience with Your Majesty. On the agenda are better coordination, communication, creation of a new system for the replacement of empty UCC contracts, travel and crossconnections to those in Your Majesty’s realms who may wish to come to us to learn loving contemplation of the LORD, to then volunteer with whatever capacity or resources that are available, to return Holy Peace and sustenance, that is the fruit of the Vineyard of our LORD, to all men, women and children in our lovely Earth. 170 Further observations for Your Majesty We have just read that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has given a moving discourse at the annual Ratzinger “schulerkreis” study group. 175 180 Vatican City, Aug 26, 2014 / 12:31 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Participants in the annual Ratzinger “schulerkreis” study group were overjoyed at seeing the retired pontiff in good health, noting that they were deeply moved by his homily on the triumph of God's love. “The homily was very moving. It was the Gospel of the day about Cesarea of Philippi where Jesus asks the apostles, 'Who do you say I am?'” Father Vincent Twomey recalled to CNA Aug. 25. “Peter answered 'you are Christ, son of the living God,'” to which Jesus responds: “you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church.” … 185 “They say he was a great man, a teacher, a revolutionary perhaps. People outside see him in different ways. And that's not a bad thing; that means that Jesus image has spread throughout society and religions,” he went on, “But, to recognize him as the Son of God is a gift of faith.” … “Benedict XVI talked about how the gates of hell would never prevail. The Church is always the weak player, always under attack but the Church always survives because it is not a human, but a divine entity.” 190 Catholic News Agency13 We also read that “Catholic legislators urged ‘to be leaven in the world’”, where “Cardinal Pietro Parolin, [wearing black] who heads the Vatican’s Secretariat of State”, says, “His Holiness Pope Francis has written that we are to strive to ‘light a fire in the heart of the world’ (Evangelii Gaudium, 271). 195 200 There are special lunatics and idiots in this world, who would wish to interpret those words in a rather more macabre fashion, ignoring the supposed context, “This means, by your words, by your witness and by your legislative and political actions informed by faith, you are called to foster a more just society, centred on the dignity of the human person”. We also note that His Holiness Pope Francis is conspicuous by His Holiness’ absence at this event, which is not surprising. We recall His Holiness Pope Francis’ words to the Vatican ‘Diplomats’ shortly after taking office: “Please don’t be ridiculous, either be saints or go back to the diocese and be a pastor, but don’t be ridiculous in the diplomatic service, where there is so much danger of becoming worldly in spirituality,” Pope Francis said June 6 [2013]. … “Careerism is leprosy! Leprosy! Please, no careerism!” he pleaded. Catholic News Agency14 205 The photographs that appear in the news indicate that the ‘black sheep’ amongst the Cardinals are now being separated from ‘white sheep’, be it out of their ignorance or out of choice. 13 14 5/19 In Catholic England, Dr. William Oddie has outlined his thesis about the “hermeneutic of rupture”, the controversy about the suppression of the Latin rite mass and ‘sacrificial language’. 210 215 Paul VI’s greatest blunder was to impose the new Mass rather than phasing it in, and to suppress the old. Cardinal Ratzinger said in his introduction to Fr Gamber’s book that “instead of a liturgy which was the fruit of continuous development, a fabricated liturgy was put in its place. A living growing process was abandoned…” The Novus Ordo hence became part of the Hermeneutic of rupture: now, because of Summorum pontificum, there is some chance that it may eventually become part of the hermeneutic of continuity: yet another benign part of Pope Benedict’s healing legacy. But it will take many years; and for countless Catholic souls the damage done can never be undone. Dr. William Oddie, The Catholic Herald15 Perhaps Dr. William Oddie and others may wish to contemplate why His Holiness Pope Paul VI took such a drastic step, to “suppress the old”. 220 225 230 They may also wish to contemplate that the answer will reveal why all those who promote the Latin rite are under investigation in this contemplative Court of Record of ‘Jesus Christ’ for the promotion of child sacrifice, which we have covered in our prior letters. They are either consciously promoting child sacrifice, or are being duped into doing so, led on to expend their ‘theological energy’ on this tremendous evil. They may also wish to explain why they have failed to translate the symbolic speech of the Mass and explain how it demonstrates the non-dual nature of the epistemology outlined in Genesis – the world of ‘matter’ is nothing but God made visible as the elements of conscious experience as we have shown in our Open Letter to Professor Richard Dawkins16. The man who becomes Bishop of Rome inherits a tremendous cross – the cross of a Church that has reverted to Atlantis/Egypt – the cross of a diverse Church bursting with legal idiots before YHVH, the cross of shepherding those who worship gold, guns and gruesome death, the cross of knowing that the ‘Anglican Church’ and the ‘Roman Catholic Church’ are, and have been over the World Wars, one, Allies for the Rule of God’s Law. An Invitation to Generosity 235 We send our love to the LORD, YHVH, Ground of Being, Our Father of Fathomless Mercy for His creation, to send us those who may love and serve Him by “feeding the sheep” 17. 15 16 17 The symbolic language of shepherding, has meaning for those who treat their animals with love and care and to die for them. As is the flock of animals to a ‘good shepherd’, so are men, women and children to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. For example, the shepherds of Kenya are willing to “fight lions and hyenas” and are prepared to die for their cattle: The ‘good shepherd’ as explained by a Jewish Rabbi, Rav Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of pre-State Israel: “Adapted from Ein Eyah vol. II, p. 180 sent to Arutz Sheva by Rabbi Chanan Morrison,” The Torah promises that if we observe the mitzvot and sincerely love God, we will enjoy timely rain and bountiful crops: “I will give plants in your field for your animals; and you will eat and be satiated.” (Deut. 11:15) Rav Abba Aricha, the celebrated third-century scholar, called attention to the order of the verse: first the animals eat, and only then the people. He learned from here that one should not eat before first placing food before one’s animals. Why is this ? Should not people eat first, since they are more important ? Are not humans “the crown of creation” ? Rav Kook explained that this Talmudic rule of etiquette contains several moral lessons: • Given our central place in the universe, we have a responsibility to look after all creatures. 6/19 John 9:39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. 240 9:40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 9:41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. The Gospel According to Saint John, King James Bible 245 We pray for Your Majesty and Your Majesty’s family and may Your Majesty pray for us. We look forward to meeting Your Majesty and the Royal family, with a special mention of baby Prince George. Yours faithfully, 250 Joseph Ray Sundarsson +41 43 508 1447 +44 1234 816 393 GICOR-ref: US-QE2-Fax-Notes-v1.00 10 • Our food (and in the case of the farmer, also his livelihood) is supplied by cows, chickens, and so on. We should feed these animals first as an expression of the fundamental gratitude we should feel toward these creatures which provide us with our basic needs. • If we lack food for a short time, we may comfort ourselves with spiritual or intellectual pursuits. This is an integral aspect of the human soul, which is not sustained "by bread alone." Animals, however, have no such alternate outlets when they are pained by hunger. Therefore, it is logical to deal with the animal's hunger first. 15 • In purely physical aspects, animals are superior to humans. Is there a human being who is stronger than a bear, faster than a horse, more agile than a cat? Our superiority over animals lies exclusively in the spiritual realms: in our intelligence and our higher aspirations. Therefore, when it comes to physical sustenance, animals take precedence to humans, and by right are served first. 7/19 i 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Pope Francis: Jesus builds the Church on faith (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis based his weekly Angelus address on Sunday’s Gospel account of St Peter’s profession of faith in Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Our Lord responds to this confession by re-naming Simon “Peter,” a name meaning “rock.” But, the Pope said, Jesus gives Simon this name “not for his own personal qualities or his human merits, but on account of his genuine and firm faith, which comes from on high.” Simon’s faith is a gift from God the Father, a dependable, trustworthy faith upon which our Lord can build His Church – His community, the Pope said, that is, all of us. Our Lord founds His Church on faith, on a relationship with Himself, a relationship of love and trust. When He began His Church, Jesus was looking for a solid faith from His disciples — that was the reason for His question in the Gospel, “Who do you say that I am?” “What happened in a unique way in Saint Peter,” the Pope said, “also takes place in every Christian who develops a sincere faith in Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Addressing the crowd, Pope Francis asked, “What does your faith look like?” Is it a firm, rock-like faith? Or is it sandy, that is doubtful, mistrustful, unbelieving? The Lord, he said, is searching for faith in our hearts – not necessarily a perfect faith, but a sincere, genuine faith. When He finds it, the Pope said, our Lord “will see in us, too, the living rocks on which He builds His community.” Jesus is the unique cornerstone, while Peter, the rock, is the visible foundation of the unity of the Church… but, the Holy Father reminded us, every baptised person is called to offer to Jesus his or her own faith, poor but sincere, so that He can continue to build His Church today, in every part of the world. Pope Francis concluded his address by recalling the Jesus’ question to St Peter: “Who do you say that I am?” That question, he said, is addressed to each of us today. How will we answer that question? We must think about the answer, but even more, the Pope said, we must pray to God the Father, that He might give us the answer, that He might give us the gift to respond with sincere hearts. This, he said, "is a confession of faith, this is the creed” – and the Pope, the Successor of Peter, echoing the faith of Peter, lead the crowd in the profession of faith: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Below, please find Vatican Radio’s translation of Pope Francis’ Angelus address for Sunday, 24 August 2014, the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time. The Gospel of this Sunday (Mt 16:13-20) is the celebrated passage, central to Matthew’s account, in which Simon, in the name of the Twelve, professes his faith in Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of the living God”; and Jesus calls Simon “blessed” for his faith, recognizing in it a special gift of the Father. He says to [Simon], “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.” Let us pause for a moment on this point, on the fact that Jesus bestows on Simon this new name, “Peter,” that in Jesus’ language [Aramaic] was “Kepha,” a word meaning “rock.” In the Bible, this name, this term, “rock,” referred to God. Jesus attributes this name to Simon not for his own personal qualities or his human merits, but on account of his genuine and firm faith, which comes from on high. Jesus feels a great joy in His heart, because He recognizes in Simon the hand of the Father, the action of the Holy Spirit. He recognizes that God the Father has given Simon a “dependable” faith, upon which He, Jesus, can build His Church, that is, His community, that is, all of us. All of us. Jesus intend to give life to “His” Church, a people founded not on offspring, but on faith, that is to say, on a relationship with Himself, a relationship of love and trust. Our relationship with Jesus builds the Church. And so to begin His Church Jesus needs to find in His disciples a solid faith, “dependable” faith. This is what He must confirm at this point in the journey, and this is why He asks the question. The Lord has in mind the image of building, the image of the community as an edifice. And so, when He hears Simon’s frank profession of faith, He calls him “rock,” and makes clear His intention of building His Church on this faith. Brothers and sisters, what happened in a unique way in Saint Peter, also takes place in every Christian who develops a sincere faith in Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God. Today’s Gospel challenges each of us: How is your faith? Let each of us answer in our heart. How is your faith? How is it? What does the Lord find in our hearts: a firm heart, like a rock? Or a heart like sand, that is, doubtful, mistrustful, unbelieving? It would do us good to think about this throughout the day. If the Lord finds in our hearts a faith – I won’t say perfect, but sincere, genuine, then He will see in us, too, the living rocks on which He builds His community. For this community, the foundation stone is Christ, the unique cornerstone. For his part, Peter is the rock, as the visible foundation of the unity of the Church; but every baptised person is called to offer 8/19 to Jesus his or her own faith, poor but sincere, so that He can continue to build His Church, today, in every part of the world. Even in our days, many people think that Jesus is a great prophet, a teacher of wisdom, a model of justice… And even today, Jesus asks His disciples – that is, us, all of us – “But you, who do you say that I am?” A prophet? A teacher of wisdom? A model of justice? How will we answer? Let us think about it. But above all let us pray to God the Father, that He will give us the answer, and through the intercession of the Virgin Mary; let us pray that He will give us the gift to respond with sincere hearts: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” This is a confession of faith, this is a the creed. But we can say it three times, together: [Pope Francis with the faithful:] You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. 75 80 ii 85 90 Fax notes to President of Ireland 14 Aug 2014 Dear Sir or Madam, Kindly bring this courtesy copy to the immediate attention of His Excellency Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland. This Court of Record assists His Holiness Pope Francis and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with the dissolution of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES. We suggest that, at a minimum, the following published Amicus curiæ(s) be printed for His Excellency. 1) The Honourable Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States (html) (print) 95 2) His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, By the Grace of God, King of the Netherlands, Prince of OrangeNassau, etc., etc., etc (html) (print) 100 3) Rabbi Haïm Korsia, Grand Rabbi of ‘France’ (html) (print) 105 The list of our published Amicus curiæ(s) are at the top of 110 A subsequent fax forwards another text sent via fax to 10 Downing Street. A third fax shall forward the above documents to ensure that they are received without further action necessary by any office personnel. 115 We often contemplate the tragic war on the men, women and children of Ireland, we pray that the LORD give His Excellency Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland the courage to arrest the legal lunatics and idiots who threaten innocent lives. We have covered this topic of 'legal idiots' in our Letter Rogatory to the British Cabinet and Parliament, copied to the Bishop of Rome, which is published here: 120 We send our love to YHVH, Ground of Being, our LORD Jesus Christ for His Excellency Michael D. 9/19 Higgins and the men, women and children of Ireland. 125 Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master ------- text below sent 14 Aug 2014 by fax to 10 Downing St. ------- 130 Dear Sir or Madam, Kindly forward these notes to Her Majesty The Queen and the First Lord of the Treasury, Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP, Prime Minister. 135 140 Surely this return from holiday has nothing to do with 'religious' matters or the defence of the realm. It is rather shocking that the Prime Minister is off on vacation as trucks flying the 'Red Horseman of the Apocalypse' flag, operated by 'western' 'intelligence' agents, whose job it is to "do and die", rumble their convoy from Russia to Ukraine. 145 Flag is visible here: 150 The convoy apparently has 'vanished' as the CIA director His Excellency John Brennan must by now have a copy of our last fax to the Prime Minister: 155 Those tanks are there in Norway to invade Sweden. The Fascist 'baby killers' of the Vatican Egypt cult want war to cover up their crimes, for example, Depleted Uranium and the Iraq war. 160 Cardinal Filoni, who was Nuncio to Iraq when the second Gulf War broke out, stated: Pope Francis “has entrusted me with this task, so that I can send them his affection and deep love and to show that he is by the side of today’s poor.” 165 Notice missing red hat, "Two a penny, made in China", as we wrote in our letter regarding France. Red hat is missing because His Holiness Pope Francis is a hostage of the Grey Pope and the Cardinals are not ready to 'die for Christ'. These Cardinals are not Christian - arrest the imposters. 10/19 170 Pope Francis is away from the Vatican. Summer holidays is when the Civil Service sneaks things past the Parliament and the Prime Minister. The Foreign Secretary Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond MP, is asleep at the switch. The defence of Scotland, England and Wales cannot be left to lunatics and idiots. 175 In the meantime the vulture-Fakirs of the Vatican are preparing child sacrifice in Ireland and Canada. What are the plans to stop it? 180 185 190 -------begin quote from site ----------Since July 10, informants have provided the names of participants in the rituals which were originally scheduled for August 15. The same ritual tortures and killings also occur systematically each month at the new moon at these and other locations, including forest groves near Brussels and Zwolle, Holland. The informants also confirmed the location of the August 15 killings to be at Pro Cathedral in Dublin and Marie Reine du Monde Cathedral in Montreal, within sub-basement crypts in both churches. The same informants have also confirmed that the children and adolescents used in these rituals are provided through catholic orphanages in the two respective cities and through the Ndrangheta criminal syndicate that works closely with the police and Vatican agents in Canada and Ireland. Our Command has trained and mobilized two six man Units to intervene and stop these scheduled cult sacrifices on August 15. The Units are trained, armed professionals. 195 On August 2, a highly placed informant notified our Command that the Montreal cult gathering has been relocated to an underground experimental facility on the grounds of McGill University. This relocation was prompted by the presence of “some very prominent men” at the upcoming August 15 ritual “including (George) Soros, local catholic archbishop Christian Lepine and corporate officials of the Cargill corporation”. 200 There has been no evidence that the Dublin cult gathering has been moved from its Pro Cathedral venue under the sponsorship of Archbishop Dermot Martin. 205 210 Our Command is continuing with its operations at all of these suspected locations on and before August 15, to stop these child sacrificial rituals and detain all of the participants for public trial, employing whatever force is required. --------- end quote from site --------The Pope is hostage to the Mafia. The 'intelligence' agencies are in 'thrall' to these happenings. Is MI6/MI5 complicit? There is no authority for war. All necessary force is authorized to arrest lunatics and idiots before 'Jesus Christ' in this Contemplative Court of Record. 215 The Law of Egypt, The Law of Moses: The sin of the golden calf: It can be revealed WHY treasures and gold were buried with the Pharaohs of Egypt. This is so that the son who inherits the throne has to rule with only THE LAW as his support - his father's treasure and gold were buried. Only lunatics and idiots go on about the treasures for the 'after life' 11/19 220 Accumulation of gold in the hands of the sovereign power leads to tyranny. This ancient wisdom was known to Moses and why worship of the 'fatted golden calf' were killed. The evidence is available about the Law of Moses. 225 230 235 How much gold does this Court of Record of YHVH, Ground of Being, Amun-Ra, need to rule? Answer: NONE! Gold is just a tally stick. Westerners are lunatics and idiots, who without the grace of God, would perish in large numbers. "10" Downing Street, is itself Masonic speech for rule by the god Aten. See the sun above the door. Aten is the visible sun, Amun-Ra is the Ground of Being in the Sun, Christ, the Awakened One. Say hello to Christ when you see the sun. The sun (Aten) and Christ (Amun-Ra) are within thee. The one who KNOWS this is Osiris, Christ, the Awakened One, who writes you this letter. Moses and Jesus Christ and I are One! '"The God in the sun is the `I' in me"--this put tersely is the essence of man's relationship to divinity. A whole book may be needed to explain it, a whole lifetime to get direct experience of its truth as insight.' Notebooks of Paul Brunton 240 Hello, 10 Downing Street, is anybody home? We suggest the arrest of all sacrifice participants and that of the 'Grey Pope' and cohorts in Rome and around the world. 245 We pray that YHVH, Ground of Being, Jesus Christ, guide Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our living Queen, to take the right steps to ensure that lunatics and idiots do not destroy God's people. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson 250 255 260 265 iii Fax notes to State of Israel, 19 Aug 2014 [formatting margin bars/text-border, de-mark quotation] Kindly forward these fax cover sheet notes to His Excellency Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu. Summary assessment: 1. His Holiness Pope Francis is under threat, news today reflects His Holiness' family members killed in Argentina. 2. Attempts to use DHS Dept. of "Homeland" Security, i.e. "Gehimstat Politze" in U.S. States. Kindly coordinate with British efforts. 3. Our efforts influenced the schedule and outcome of His Holiness' visit to Korea. Recent fax on this forwarded next. YHVH speaks to all of us from so many places and challenges us to raise the consciousness of those who act for avoidance of responsibility, feeling sorry for themselves, sunk in tamas. Anger is Rajasic, a higher state of consciousness. Sometimes it is necessary to anger someone, perhaps with a verbal slap, to raise their consciousness. Sometimes it takes more, for those so sunk in tamasic stupidity! There is "dark" Action: when one doth a thing Heedless of issues, heedless of the hurt Or wrong for others, heedless if he harm His own soul--'tis of Tamas, black and bad! 12/19 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 Gita ==== sent below to U.S. Senate/Congress Homeland Security [19 Aug 2014] ===== Dear Sir or Madam. Kindly ensure that all 'Homeland Security' Senate/Congress members are delivered this courtesy copy to their hand. We suggest courtesy copies to follow to all House members, 'representatives' or staff. All of whom are under investigation for Treason in this Court of Record. This fax cover sheet forwards the text of several recent faxes. Your Excellencies must already have a courtesy copy of our Amicus curiæ to The Honourable Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States regarding the dissolution of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the UNITED STATES, which is available here: Developments in Ukraine, Netherlands, Norway, NATO, EU, Russia, etc., have been guided by the Amicus curiæ(s) of this Court of Record of Jesus Christ. We suggest that all our Amicus curiæ(s) be downloaded and placed on the Public Record in the House. Failure to do so, shall, God willing, be investigated as Treason to the men, women and children of America: It is the wish of this Court of Record that all men and women working as judges, law enforcement, military, 'government' and DHS [shall be] informed that they operate with unlimited personal liability and that there is no Sovereign, Judicial or Ecclesiastical immunity before this Court of Record of 'Jesus Christ' interceding on behalf of all men, women and children. In terms of civil law, this Court of Record is 'We The People' with jurisdiction over thyself. There are elements within the Roman Catholic Church that are in Treason to the Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Pope Francis. They hold His Holiness hostage, even as the 'President' of the United States has obviously been hostage since the assassination of JFK. All signatures of Roman Catholic Nuncios, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops are VOID. They have no authority ecclesiastical or civil. This Court of Record acts directly to preserve the patrimony of the Bishop of Rome and protect it from legal lunatics and idiots before 'Jesus Christ', YHVH, LORD of Hosts, Om Rudra, Amun-Ra, the 'Almighty One'. There is NO authority for war. Necessary force is authorized to stop lunatics and idiots from inciting riots or creating false flag scenarios - including but not limited to the lunatic that thou art. We are investigating reports of attempts by DHS and other third parties to incite violence and riots in Ferguson, Missouri. We remind Your Excellencies of the idiotic policy of 'jungle warfare' and 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (MAD) that has been legislated and implemented by yourselves. 'Unlimited' personal liability for acting as a legal idiot IS unlimited - you reap what you sow, it gets beyond thy control, thy creator might have a word with thee - in 'heaven'. We pray that the LORD send thee sanity and give thee strength to take immediate steps to wind up, shut down, and disable the 'Department of Homeland Security' and all provocateurs. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master ------- Forward CC to USDC, TX [17 Aug 2014] ---------Dear Sir or Madam, Courtesy copy of fax to His Excellency James Richard "Rick" Perry, Governor of Texas follows for: Hon. Jeff Bohm, Chief Judge -----Minute notes by fax cover sheet---------His Excellency James Richard "Rick" Perry, Governor 13/19 cc: United States District Court, Texas 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 Minute Notes by fax Dear Rick, Without doubt, Your Excellency has met many nitwits posing as 'Government' men and women today, when they are yet to 'grow up' beyond the stage of a legal infant. Courtesy copies of our recent Amicus curiæ(s) follow. 1) His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, By the Grace of God, King of the Netherlands, Prince of OrangeNassau, etc., etc., etc., available at: 2) Rabbi Haïm Korsia, Grand Rabbi of ‘France’, available at: We suggest that Your Excellency preach to all, starting with Roman Catholics to read the King James Bible and 'convert' to Christ, Teacher, One. Gospel of Saint John 10:30 I and My Father are One We shall forward in subsequent faxes the text of recent notes by fax to "10" Downing Street regarding The Law of Aten, Amun-Ra, Om Rudra, the LORD in the Sun, Christ, "Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name", YHVH, the One that I-AM. It is not just a question of 'immigration' as everyone who knows, knows . We are aware of interesting Matters of Fact regarding Texas, including but not limited to the custom of visiting British and Russian ships flying the Republic of Texas flag when entering port. We do have an investigation into the affairs of Galveston Bay and an attempt to stage a false-flag there, for example and an investigation into Green Lasers that shoot out from under the ground and transformers that blew up at Dallas Airport "in a lightning storm" while the birds could be heard chirping and there were no clouds around. We have suggested a 'non-territorial' model of governance world wide and the removal of Nation-State boundaries. This is not some distant utopia, Your Excellency can begin right away. The 'Federal' Border Patrol and other busy bodies can pack up their bags and go back to their "10 Miles Square". 'God's Law' defends the men, women and children who live and move in the land known as Texas. No 'passports' or 'border' guards required. All grown up men and women, Mexican or Texan or otherwise, can carry guns of their choice. We are investigating cults of the Pharaoh, the Fakirs of the Vatican who kidnap, that is, FORCE, that is kidnap children to 'migrate' across 'borders' - and torture some to death. We attach to this fax our Amicus curiæ(s) regarding an investigation into Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 & 370, Asiana Airlines Flight 214, the dissolution of 'France' and an investigation of Treason at the Holy See. The French can grow up too, no one takes them seriously - a list of legal idiot French are available at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). No 'Grand Army' is coming to save their braying ass, they can learn to pray and give up deceptive donkeys. We suggest a full blown investigation into 9/11 and the Iraq war, the looting of the bonds [of the] Central Bank in Iraq, etc. etc. 'Cardinal' Filoni can explain how it all happened to His Holiness Pope Francis in this Court of Record in the land known as 'America', which goes all the way from the North Pole to the tip of South America. It is our wish that Your Excellency as a Plaintiff in this contemplative Court of Record of 'Jesus Christ' file copies of our Amicus curiæ(s) with all U.S. District Courts in all 'States' and with all Governors and Secretaries of State. There is no debt, U.C.C. Mirror Reflection applies. All errant 'judges', 'bankers', 'ecclesiastics', 'lawyers' and other legal idiots are subject to arrest if they continue to behave like U.C.C. legal infants. We pray that the LORD abide in thee and thy family. We send our love to the LORD for all men women and children, some of whom call themselves 'Mexican', some 'Texan', some 'Christian', etc. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master 14/19 370 [17 Aug 2014] Kindly arrange to serve a copy on the living man: His Excellency James Richard "Rick" Perry, Governor. Developments in Great Britain, Israel, France, Ukraine, Netherlands, Norway, DNI/CIA, U.S. Senate, NATO, EU, Russia, etc., have been guided by the Amicus curiæ(s) of this Court of Record of Jesus Christ. 375 We suggest that our Amicus curiæ(s) be downloaded and printed for His Excellency Jay Nixon [correction: Rick Perry, text also originally sent to Missouri], and placed on the Public Record: A mind-map of the USA is here: The epistemology and the ontology of God's Law, explained to an atheist is here: It is our wish that all judges and law enforcement [shall be] informed that they operate with unlimited personal liability and that there is no Sovereign, Judicial or Ecclesiastical immunity before this Court of Record of 'Jesus Christ' interceding on behalf of all men, women and children. In terms of civil law, this Court of Record is 'We The People'. There are elements within the Roman Catholic Church that are in Treason to the Bishop of Rome, His Holiness Pope Francis. They hold His Holiness hostage, even as the 'President' of the United States has obviously been hostage since the assassination of JFK. All signatures of Nuncios, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops are VOID. They have no authority ecclesiastical or civil. 380 385 390 Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master 395 400 405 ------ fax sent 11 Aug 2014 02:47:26 to 10 Downing St. -------Dear Sir or Madam, Courtesy copy of the text of our fax to His Holiness Pope Francis, sent on 10 Aug 2014 06:49:27 GMT follows below for Her Majesty The Queen and the First Lord of the Treasury, Rt. Hon. David Cameron MP. We suggest that His Holiness Pope Francis is assisted with all necessary force and all necessary diplomatic effort to effectuate the arrest of the lunatics and idiots who hold His Holiness hostage . We take note of His Holiness’ 'closed hand' in the image of His Holiness’ Sunday sermon. 'embattled' is a word that comes to mind, as well as 'Medusa's head' near the star Algol. We take notice of the following phrases: “Let us pray together to the God of peace,” said Pope Francis, “through the intercession of the Virgin Mary: Give us peace, O Lord, in our days, and make us builders of justice and peace.” "stop these crimes and re-establish the [rule of] law." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 410 "Let us pray together the God of peace, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary: Grant us peace, O Lord, in our days, and render us artificers justice and peace." 415 Even as we intervened to save the British Cabinet from being held hostage by the Civil Service, we suggest that no effort be spared to achieve the Rule of Law. "Delay is the deadliest form of denial" C. Northcote Parkinson 15/19 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson --------text of fax to His Holiness Pope Francis follows [10 Aug 2014] ----------Holy Father Francis, Ave Maria! We see the logo of the sacrificed child. In response we send this to the creator of the logo and the Chief Fakir: "Jesus is watching you" Even as the CIA, Germany, Norway, England, 'Crown Temple', United States, Israel, Russia, MI6, Mossad, etc., have discovered that the 'root' of Caesar's (or the Pharaoh's) authority is not in them, so shall the legal idiots at the Vatican before Jesus Christ, Our Father of Fathomless Mercy for His creation discover that there is no root of authority in them, or in Rome or in Europe ... let them who doubt read Joel in the Torah, in full: Failure to comprehend epistemology of the LORD is frequent in 'absolutist' civil or theocratic systems. They shall discover that it is impossible for them to hold the Bishop of Rome hostage. We have prayed to the LORD, Jesus Christ, Our Father of Fathomless Mercy that the The Angel of the Bottomless Pit attend the legal idiots before Jesus Christ at the Vatican. That which they rely for support shall crumble, those they thought they could trust shall desert them, those they thought they could coerce shall be free, including but not limited to men, women, children and the 'spirits' and 'elemental creations'; their Estate shall fall to ruin, the Ground of Being shall be taken away from beneath their feet, unless they repent and surrender to 'Jesus Christ'. Crying 'Father' is all it takes when that magic moment arrives, at the hour of destiny. All contracts/oaths are void before the LORD, Matthew 5:33-37. The 'Jesuit Oath' is therefore VOID. The 'Company of Jesus', by whatever name (Society of Jesus etc) shall dissolve, be not attached to it. The seed of its dissolution was built in at the start: "Regimini militantis" is wholly incompatible with the Nicene Crede. All 'Military Ordinates' are VOID. Legal idiots before the LORD can continue dreaming. We suggest that Your Holiness ask all 'diplomats' and the priests of the 'Grey Pope' to wear 'Grey' clothing. There are 'many shades of Grey', they can get 'creative'! It may be difficult to see, but the LORD witnessed the pronouncement of Pope Pius IX and came 'in disguise' as 'Ramakrishna Paramahansa / Swami Vivekananda'. It is the LORD who has 'shape shifted' into everything in 'creation'. is worth reading in full. ------------ quote below ------------In my first interview with him, I asked about how to cultivate and recognize inner guidance. He said that were two steps. “First,” he said, “you have to be able to make yourself completely humble. If you can’t do that, then it’s a moot point: there won’t be any guidance.” He paused long enough for me to realize that the humility he meant went much deeper than I understood. “If you can’t do that,” he continued, “then you need to be able to do nothing. Doing nothing isn’t the same as not doing anything. It’s active, inwardly attentive. [SH’MA]. You can go about your normal affairs, but you refrain from any decision or action on the specific issue about which you’re seeking guidance. “There’s no telling how long you’ll have to wait. But if you do it right, then when the guidance comes there will be no doubt about it. It will be vividly clear. And the strength needed to follow it will also be there.” 16/19 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 In the same interview he asked me, “What particular shade or aspect of the word ‘truth’ is most meaningful to you?” By that time I was nearly twenty-nine, and I had pretty much decided that the word "truth" wasn’t a meaningful one for me. I could relate to the idea of “honesty,” based on reflecting on one’s own experience and deepest desires, but “truth” seemed too much to ask. I could demand honesty from myself and others, no more and no less. Everyone had and was entitled to their own opinion. While I certainly thought some opinions better than others (particularly my own!), I profoundly doubted the usefulness of the word “truth.” But as I sat across from PB with that thought in my mind, it seemed absurdly false. The doubt lifted, and I heard myself say something that sounded much more than just honest. It sounded like it came from a core of me that knew what it was talking about. From that time on, I’ve had no doubt that the word does have appropriate content and that understanding it is an essential part of being fully human. ------------ end quote --------------Truth is but another word for YHVH, Ground of Being or 'Jesus Christ', the 'Self' realized Master who has transcended the 'self', the ego. The LORD prompted us to send Dr. Oddie this email, which we share with Your Holiness below ---------begin email to Dr. Oddie ----------Dear Dr. Oddie, We just read your post re Cardinal Kasper's flaky ideas: All's well, Regina Catracombe (Queen of the Catacombs) to the rescue of refugees and Cardinal Muller! It is all terribly Catholic, AIDS for Ukraine and flowers for MH17: Cardinal Muller needs a little encouragement: "Wassup dude!": The gal in Argentina sure got the message to the U.S. District Court: Treason at the Holy See to the Nicene Creed: It's not just about how the Roman Church Cookie crumbles, the Green Wood is being sorted, as the Masons say, or Tares as did Jesus: Matthew 13:40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 13:42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 13:43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Say hello to thy confessor, send a kiss to Pepe. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson -------------end email to Dr. Oddie ---------------Advice for the secret Patriarchy: Kindly advice 'them' that hold thee hostage that the Owl of Wisdom who Sees hoots at their stupidity. Our Immaculate Virgin Mary knows all: Ye deserted Her son who gave His life for thy peace, ye have not known Holy Peace. 17/19 520 525 530 The darkness of the nether world that thou knowest, is not the Void. Our Immaculate Virgin Mary Herself is Mahakali. Ye are in FEAR are ye not Pepe? She has shown us thy shame stink up the nether world and thy bowl of rice thou wast about to eat, turn into fetid fecal waste that went down the bottomless pit. Pepe, it is impossible to hold on to 'Patriarchy' when thou are not yet a Man! Be comforted, the Great Goddess Mahakali Herself shall teach thee by experience to develop reason, by love to develop 'sraddha', loving empathy, She shall send thee grace to weep. Thou hast a body has not thou? Thou experience time, do not thee? Thou see thyself as 'Archpriest' who knows how to 'sacrifice' thy victim who thou see as only an 'offering' to a remote 'God' whom thou knowest not. Thou knowest not the One, for thou try to cling to thy possessions with 'force'. There is plenty of time in eternity to discover Christ, The Teacher, Guru, the Self, Atman, I AM THAT I AM. We pray that the LORD, Truth, 'Jesus Christ' reveal the Holy One to our Our Holy Fathers, His Holiness Benedict XVI and His Holiness Pope Francis, the Holy Peace, Truth and may they in turn freely share it with all God's creatures. We pray that Truth dissolve thy shackles by the loving smile of Our Immaculate Virgin Mary. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson. 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 Fax to 10 Downing Street [11 Aug 2014] Dear Sir or Madam, A courtesy copy of the text of our fax to His Excellency Ambassador Oh Joon, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations, follows for Her Majesty The Queen and the First Lord of the Treasury Rt. Hon. David Cameron, MP. We suggest that Dr. David Kim be located with the assistance of Saudi Royals if needed, to assist the South Koreans to arrange the meeting. We suggest that the Prime Minister and those who assist him view the 'youtube' video linked below. 'Faith' is more powerful than weapons of war, we believe that the tension within the Vatican and between 'Israel' and other countries can be relieved by the 'Truth'. The 'evidence' is compelling and Dr. Kim is a man of modesty and does not exaggerate. We pray that the LORD guide all those who volunteer to bring about faith that leads to Holy Peace. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson --- cover sheet for our fax to Ambassador Oh Joon [11 Aug 2014] --Dear Ambassador Oh Joon, His Holiness Pope Francis travels to the land known as Korea this week. His visit comes amidst a dramatic unwinding of the 'Federal Reserve' and the 'United States' corporations, both chartered by the Bishop of Rome. The events of the past year reflect the intensity of the transformation. Korea has a realistic chance of peace for all its men, women and children, North and South alike. The 'United Nations' and the corporate 'Republic of Korea' shall also pass away. The tension and drama at the Vatican, the City State around all this is visible via our recent letters that are available at: We send this fax to allow Korea to help the 'West' renew faith in God. It is not widely known, but there is a man in Seoul known as Dr. David Kim who has worked for Saudi Royalty, who has investigated the Torah and the ancient history of the Holy Bible: 'Forbidden Pictures Revealed - Did Ron Wyatt tell the truth?' features an interview with Dr. David Kim regarding Moses and the history of the Exodus. We suggest that Dr. David Kim be located and a 'surprise' meeting arranged between His Holiness Pope Francis and Dr. Kim. We suggest that such an event, if it could be arranged, is more **urgent** and positive for Korea and all 18/19 570 of mankind than all the other 'official' business and the swirl of controversy that always accompanies the 'king of kings' the Bishop of Rome. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson 19/19