Court of Record 115 George Lane London E18 1AB The Most Reverend Archbishop Antonio Mennini Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain By Fax: +44 20 8947 2494 also via Pope Francis, Holy See Open Letter Amicus curiæ 1 Februarius 2014 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Dear Archbishop: May it please the Immaculate Virgin Mary with Her Child Jesus! Your Grace has paved the way in Russia for the strength that Russia brings to the Holy See at this time. It is our task to preserve the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Torah of Moses, the patrimony of the Bishop of Rome and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II that brings us to write to Your Grace to shepherd the Gentile people of God with the skill that Welsh shepherds have shown in shepherding, by painting a Monalisa1 on a hillside in Wales using sheep, LEDs and sheep dogs. The clearly expressed wishes of His Holiness Pope Francis and Father General Adolofo Nicholas for peace in Syria have been side stepped by the Al-CIA-duh. The smell of blackmail, reminicent of the fall of the Roman Caesar’s reign fills the air. This Court of Record is investigating bible tampering designed to transform the Lord’s Prayer from the worship of Jesus Christ to the worship of Julius Caesar; JC by a different name. The result was the blindness of the European and American clergy to the sermon of Pope Benedict XVI at Lourdes2 in France in 2008 and his subsequent resignation. The previous head of the British SIS, Sir John Scarlet, was alleged 3 to work for the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, DVD Dachau. The younger generation below 80 in Europe has not seen how living by the converse of “thou shalt not kill” is not conducive to wealth. They have instead been fattened like sheep for the slaughter by the proceeds of fraudulent conversion, the converse of “thou shalt not steal”, the work of the devil, the ‘social ego’ manifest in the ‘intelligence’ services. A number of Judas goats are mixed in with the sheep and the wolves run them around, scattering them in fear. The first thought that creeps into the false Christians and ‘intelligence’ personalities upon receipt of our Open Letters has clearly been expressed by Our LORD, thus: Luke 20:14 But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. Our Open Letter to U.S. President Obama follows, together with several cover letters. We suggest that Your Grace bring the mercy of Christ, the reassurance of the skilled shepherd, to calm the agitated flock and sort them. We pray to our LORD, invoking the love of Jesus Christ as the shortest route to Holy Peace, to guide Your Grace with the choices that shall become manifest. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson +41 43 508 1447 +44 1234 816 393 GICOR-ref: US-GB-Nuncio-cover-v1.0 1 2 3 1/1