Court of Record 115 George Lane London E18 1AB Prime Minister Stephen Harper Office of the Prime Minister 80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2, Canada 5 Fax: +1-613-941-6900 cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II also via Pope Francis, Holy See Open Letter Amicus curiæ 10 7 March 2014 Dear Mr. Harper: May it please the Immaculate Virgin Mary with Her Child Jesus! In today’s news report1, we read the following: “Today, our Government is taking additional measures to further increase pressure on President Putin and the Russian Federation to withdraw its troops to their bases by imposing a travel ban against a number of individuals responsible for threatening the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine,” Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a statement Friday. 15 20 Perhaps Your Excellency is unaware that Her Majesty the Queen and the Bishop of Rome are Allies for the Rule of God’s Law, the reason for the Magna Carta World Wars in Europe and that the Pope granted a hundred year charter for the Federal Reserve. Your Excellency was informed of these facts in our 29 January 2014 2 courtesy copy of our Amicus curiæ to The Honourable Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States. 25 For Your Excellency’s kind attention, please find our recent Amicus curiæ to Switzerland copied to the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, NATO, JCS, US Navy, IMF, etc. The Federal Reserve, the United States and the European Union are to be dissolved. Our published Open Letters are at We suggest that Your Excellency clarify foreign policy decisions with the Her Majesty’s Foreign Secretary William Hague. 30 35 Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson +41 43 508 1447 +44 1234 816 393 GICOR-ref: US-Canada-cover-2-v1.0 1 2 1/1