Fax: fax.courtofrecord.uk/DparsIbP Date: 2016-10-02 To: 442079250918 First Lord of the Treasury Court of Record R EC OR LEX TERRAE OF L LO BAL IS ES D G TO: _MULTIPLE_ FAX: 442079250918 DATE: 01 October 2016 to 02 October 2016 Mad Hatters COURT Court of Record Postfach 73 Unterageri CH6314 Switzerland secretary@courtofrecord.org UK FAX : +44 1234 48 0111 His Excellency George W. Bush Duke of America in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: H.R.H. Prince Philip Lord High Admiral cc: H.R.H. Princess Anne, The Princess Royal cc: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lord High Steward cc: H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Palmyra, Joint Intelligence Chief cc: Court of St. James cc: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI cc: His Holiness Pope Francis cc: Commander Swiss Guard cc: Allies for the Rule of YHVH Open Letter Amicus curiæ 01 October 2016 to 02 October 2016 Dear George W. Bush, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, greeting! Maria Camilla Pallavicini is now the lady with a problem, or is it, the problem lady. We asked Mahakali this new moon, who said, “don’t you like my long hair?”. She does not have to “shave her hair”, like “Berenice gave up her hair to Venus to ensure her husband’s safe return from war”. She does however, have to give up her wig of ‘religious’ snakes, the corporate Company of Jesus / Society of Jesus, who have begun “murmuring”, “mmmm mmmm mmmm, oh oh oh!”, in their “effort” to select a new ‘Superior’ General, who is “on top” of everything. So, send her word via Her Majesty The Queen to cheer up and sprinkle Bowie’s ashes at 114 Mount Street and the Jesuit basilicas in Rome and elsewhere. Mahakali on that night when Peres was reported to have passed away, showed us that a “green” injection was made into the general consciousness with a “chirrup” sound, and there is an invasion of “flies and horse-flies”. She has also shown us several nests of “orange-red wasps/hornets in ‘maize””. She showed us today that “Vishnu” must be invoked to clean up the dust and “fungi” in Switzerland, London and elsewhere. “Foreign fungi”, has been in the news chatter from Swiss Info. Narasimha is a form of Vishnu, whose root vish means indweller, what Plotinus called the Intellectual-Principle of Man and the Christian religion calls Son, what Paul Brunton calls World-Mind. Orange-red wasps, angry and ready to sting are in a maze, we reasoned. Then She spoke some more, “they have already “stung one ginger cat in the mouth, and another on a paw”, spoke Mahakali. Flies come from “maggots”, and She had us search for the stench of a dead animal amongst a “bunch of sticks”. Ah yes, faggots, a bunch of sticks, idiots. Lev 20:13. and the how the laws concerning idiots, lunatics, femcoverts, nymphs and maniacs, were “consolidated”, during the time of Queen Victoria. Which brings us to Saint King Henry VIII, whose Buggery Act 1533, or more properly, An Acte for the punishment of the vice of Buggerie (25 Hen. 8 c. 6), is that sodomy is punishable with death. According to the Act: “the offenders being hereof convicted by verdict confession or outlawry shall suffer such pains of death and losses and penalties of their g ood chattels debts lands tenements and hereditaments as felons do according to the Common Laws of this Realm. And that no p e rson of f e ndi ng i n a ny suc h of f e nc e sha l l b e a dmi t t e d t o hi s C l e rg y ...” This meant that a convicted sodomite’s possessions could be confiscated by the g overnment, rather than g oing to their next of kin, and that even p ri e st s a nd monk s c oul d b e e x e c ut e d f or t he of f e nc e —e v e n t houg h t he y c oul d not b e e x e c ut e d f or murde r . https://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Bug g ery_Act_1533 Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. What is this “one jot or one tittle” in this case? Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. The Third Book of Moses Called Leviticus At a great tribulation to all English speaking nations, it has been shown that the Romans or the ‘Jews’ they created, do not believe in YHVH or Jesus Christ. Now as to proof, the archaic view of it is quite simple. I do not say evidence, because there are no archaic rules of evidence; the conception is unknown. Evidence is offered with a view to leading a judg e or a jury to some inference of fact which may determine or help to determine the decision of the case as a whole. But t he a rc ha i c p roof c ome s a f t e r j udg me nt , not b e f ore . THE GENIUS OF THE COMMON LAW BY THE RIGHT HONORABLE SIR FREDERICK POLLOCK, Bart., D.C.L., LL.D. of Lincoln's inn, barrister at law honorary fellow ; of corpus christi colleg e, oxford. www.courtofrecord.uk/g enius The law speaks the judgement all by itself. It is ‘universally’ applicable to those of the Abrahamic faith. Disowning YHVH, That which IS, Allah by another name, who came as Jesus Christ, is not an option. There is however, forgiveness for those who ask for it, “go and sin no more”; ask not, “what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on ... ”. 02 October 2016 Mahakali reveals Herself as the distraught “bride of Christ”, who “wants to go shopping”, but “you have taken away all my money”, and have “put me in a very bad mood”. The ‘Black Queen’, or is it, the ‘Red Queen’, is annoyed. “Pope: there’s a g lobal war ag ainst marriag e nowadays” http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2016/10/01/pope_there%E2%80%99s_a_g lobal_war_ag ainst_marriag e_nowad We pause a moment to answer Sandro Magister, who cannot see ‘invisible’ Saint Henry Garnet weave a veil of Christ’s maya over the Pope’s “infallible” speech and poke a hole in communion wafers for “humans” ... “to make them topologically accurate”, he says. The Master himself sang : ... “Where hast Thou hidden that lovely form, O terrible Syama? Dance that way once for me, O Mother! Throw down Thy sword a nd t a k e t he f l ut e ; C a st of f Thy g a rl a nd of he a ds, a nd we a r Thy wi l d-f l owe r g a rl a nd . ... If without Siva Thou canst not dance, then let Balarama be Thy Siva. Dance, O Syama, as Thou didst dance when Thou wast Krishna!” Quick, pray, O’ bunny wabbit, what’s the time? One, two, three ... bunny! Tea anyone? Very Special Tea. Its been ‘pulled’ in four directions. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master PDF version: fax.courtofrecord.uk/DparsIbP www.courtofrecord.uk