Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 45220228 Web: Postfach 73, CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: King of the Netherlands From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +31703564683 FAX: +390645220228 Date: 28-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 4522 0228 Pages: 15 (including this page) Dear Sir or Madam, Kindly forward the attached to the King of the Netherlands. "King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander ...arrived in Yan'an [China] Tuesday for a visit". What we have written about the corporate government in Denmark applies worldwide to all corporate cabinets. Corporate rule must come to an end. We send our love to YHVH, Ground of Being, for HM King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 45220228 Web: Postfach 73, CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: The Danish Monarchy From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +4533402777 FAX +390645220228 Date: 26-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 4522 0228 Pages: 13 (including this page) Kindly ensure that HM The Queen of Denmark, the Foreign Minister, the chief(s) of the intelligence, defence forces and police, and the Ambassador to and from China are provided a copy of this fax. This Amicus curiae is an Open Letter. ##If. Begin fax to Denmark [26 October 2015] ##If. Her Majesty Queen Margrethe Alexandrine p6rhildur Ingrid Queen of Denmark 26 October 2015 May it please Your Majesty, Courtesy copies of our intervention regarding the visit of Xi Jinping to London follow, which are published here:, not attached, was sent to them as well. We read that the foreign minister of DENMARK must now be in China for a corporate cuddle with his Chinese counterpart. " BEIJING, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen will pay an official visit to China from Oct. 25 to 27 at the invitation of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi" We trust that the said Danish FM has explanations to offer the Chinese for: 1. "Danish Apple Communism". 2. "Empire of Sodom". 3. "Bright Luciferan Pipe Dream" w.r.t: http://www. xpect-massive-change.html 4. "Goodwood revival" re Auto Industry. 5. Why "Clinton's Clipper Chip" is now "Intel Inside". 6 "Guns and shooting" and High Treason threats against Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] the Royal Family and the process of this Court of Record of YHVH. Examples: 'Cameron "under the gun'" http://www. telegraph. co. uklnews/celebritynewsl 11953465/Benedicl -C um berbatch-calls-pol ice-afterstalker -Ieaves-red-ribbons-at-hi s-home. html http://www. telegraph. co. uklnews/uknews/cri mel 11947072/Man-shot -dead-by-Ca mbridgeshi re- pol ic e-in-St-Neots.html http://www. telegraph. co. uklnews/uknews/theroyalfam ily/119203091 No-fly-zone-for -Duke-and- Duche ss-of-Cambridges-Anmer-Hall-am id-security- fears. html 7. "Victoria's Secret" http://www. telegraph. co. uklnews/uknews/1195332 3/Bi IIionai re-tycoon-behind- Victorias-Secret-keep s-his-mulli-million-Cotswolds-estale-away-from-prying-eyes.hlml Xi Jinping has felt the Rod of Sovereignty, the "Rod of Iron" c.f. Psalms 2:9, Rev. 2:27 ... he knows that the plot to build a blackmail nuke in England has backfired. He knows thai the "gold plated" nuclear deal is "just paper and ink", only useful to provide toilet paper for Europeans to wipe their ass this winter. There is only one path for the Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen and the corporate cabinet of DENMARK, a subsidiary of the 'Company of Jesus', which is dissolved - unconditional surrender to this Court of Record of YHVH. Your Majesty knows the difference between a living Court of Record and the corporate legal cadaver known as DENMARK; and the metaphor about the "Goodly Apple, rotten at the core" that was found in the lower intestine of the "frozen lion" that was dissected at the Danish Zoo. http://www. -front-of-children.html We believe that Your Majesty will join Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] and His Holiness Pope Francis for their visit to this author to "show thy faith". All of this is a bit 'Mistral' to the French. Perhaps Your Majesty's husband can explain it to them. We send our love to YHVH for Your Majesty! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 45220228 Web: Postfach 73, CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: UK Chinese Embassy From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +442076362981 FAX +390645220228 Date: 20-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 4522 0228 Pages: 1 (including this page) Xi Jinping General Secretary cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: David Cameron, Prime Minister cc: His Holiness Pope Francis 20 October 2015 Dear Sir, The 'State Banquet' this evening is the event that is generating a flurry of propaganda from the press in the west. The hysteria they promote is a war in the Far East. As we have shown in our Amicus curiae to Hon. George Daniels of the United States District Court in New York City, there is no 'sovereign immunity'. We have explained in simple terms to the officials in HUNGARY that any funny business is no laughing matter. It makes no difference, if for example, the "stay free" sanitary napkin party (SVP) in Switzerland has "gathered the most votes". Every corporate 'nation' 'permanent' representative at the United Nations in NYC now know that the migrant/refugee crisis is managed by idiots in the west: You would already know that our Amicus curiae(s) have changed reality 'on the ground' in China. Western Idiots who were treating the Chinese with contempt while mocking the 'human rights' record have found out the hard way that using China as a condom is not a path to health or wealth. The Bank of England Governor, we read, is promoting a "seismic" speech. He's just an idiot like the rest of them. President Putin has shown by example how to deal with idiots. Physics drives Finance, Finance drives Politics "Physics drives Finance, Finance drives Politics", is a terse summary of western 'power', by a certain intelligent man. "Physics" is therefore vital to manage the political farce that passes for 'freedom' in the 'west'. Any number of things are possible with "Physics" ... with a given amount of energy, you can create "wealth" or destroy it. Those who promote "bitcoin", for example, say it is analogous to gold. You can waste energy "mining" bilcoin or gold, or you can run a factory and produce "toilets", as you famously said on a visit to India. It is important therefore to deny idiots the choice to "destroy". Truth, BEING and Theory When Physicists try to develop a 'theory', they are trying to find a 'description' of that which Is, which results in the phenomena we observe. English, a Judeo-Christian language, developed the rigour of reason by studying the 'tree' of knowledge. This drive to be yoked to 'that which Is', is the basis of the quest for Truth, the definition of 'Religion'. Few there be who are able to "see" the Truth of a given situation or experimental result. Such "seers" are the ones suitable for 'universal' veneration. Practical suggestions 1. We suggest that you discuss the impact of this Court of Record on English life with your English hosts. 2. Regarding obtaining fuel J 02 Diesel We are aware of how difficult it is for China to obtain 02 Diesel. We are aware of how even 'properly' signed papers do not result in oil sent by tanker because there is a need for an "Oil Passport", which the Americans must sign off on. We suggest that you make offers to supply goods in exchange for 02 Diesel. If there are any difficulties, inform this Court of Record. 3. Regarding China's network We are aware of how China provides the bulk of consumable goods, that are sold in, for example, South America, via 'Chino' corner shops operated by Chinese families. These families naturally keep the bulk of their wealth as inventory to sell. They are able to sell cheaper than, for example, Walmart. There is an urgent need to (a) Learn English; (b) Re-denominate books of account in goods; (c) Develop a 'real' market not affected by Western Idiots; (d) Learn English Common Law - to protect this network from Western Idiots. We suggest that you initiate a discussion with the English regarding this. 4. Regarding the Christian Religion Certain 'Dangerous Idiots' in the west wish to use 'CHINA' as a cover to blackmail the Pope. We suggest that you take serious unequivocal steps to ensure that this cannot happen. President Putin and the sensible parts of Britain and America can assist in this. 5. Comprehending the process of Common Law There is a process of law unfolding in this Court of Record. We suggest that men and women of the highest intelligence capacity in China, fluent in English, study our published documents. 6. Regarding the incitement of violence involving 'Japan' Japan, like China, has had a rough time in the past hundred years. They were even unnecessarily 'nuked'. We have covered this topic in The recent 'war within a reactor' in Fukushima is under investigation in this Court of Record. 'China' is not so far away from Fukushima. We suggest that you work to create 'bridges of understanding' with the Japanese by applying the Common Law. Same applies to Russia, Vietnam, the Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, etc. 7. Regarding Tibet There is no sovereignty in China. This must be apparent by now. We can see that 'fake Buddhists' are in place. "Has any nation ever been great without being a great military power?" "Yes," said the Swami without a moment's hesitation, "China has. Amongst other countries, I have travelled in China and Japan. Today, China is like a disorganised mob; but in the heyday of her greatness she possessed the most admirable organisation any nation has yet known Many of the devices and methods we term modern were practised by the Chinese for hundreds and even thousands of years. Take competitive examination as an illustration." "Why did she become disorganised?" "Because she could not produce men equal to the system. You have the saying that men cannot be made virtuous by an Act of Parliament; the Chinese experienced it before you. And that is why religion is of deeper importance than politics, since it goes to the root, and deals with the essential of conduct." Swami Vivekananda, speaking regarding China before World War I of_ Swam i_VivekanandaIV 0Iume_5/1nterviews/l ndia_And_England There is no danger from the Dalai Lama. In fact the promotion of virtue amongst the Chinese is what can keep the peace. Just think about it: how can those who lust and kill for gold be trusted with a single gram? Worship of gold is the despicable 'religion' of depraved western idiots. Can you not see why Moses punished this with death? It is this 'law' that the English civilisation has 'enforced': The world works without an ounce of gold in use as 'money'. We suggest that you change the idiotic 'policy' regarding the Dalai Lama, promoted by the Jesuits. You have to find the the strings that pull the Chinese-government-puppet [See: 1 and promote this stupidity. 8. Shut down the Great Firewall of China No peace comes from insularity. The Pygmies of Africa got no peace by not knowing the west did not exist. Every man or woman must seek to know the entire world-idea and their place in it. It is the penetration of conscious attention brought about by this Court of Record, that scares the Dangerous Idiots from the west who seek to promote a culture of fear. Their time is up. The destruction of China from within, the promotion of war in the South China Sea, led by dangerous western idiots. is best dismantled by revealing the truth of their atrocities and interconnecting China so no one can block the flow of information. 9. Contemplate the Tao in stillness The cultivation of a concentrated, still mind, is the key to great achievement. The production of men and women capable of the feat of entry into Being from Existence is the mark that 'saves' a race or nation. It is essential to /knowing/ the Law, as compared to a mere education in Law. The English word 'epistemology' remains a sound in the air with a meaningless dictionary definition without contemplation of Tao in stillness. We contemplate Tao in stillness for thee and all the men, women and children, living in the land known as 'China'. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 4522 0228 Web: Postfach 73. CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: Chinese Ambassador From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +442076369056 FAX: +390645220228 Dale: 22-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 45 22 0228 Pages: 8 (including this page) Dear Sir, We have forwarded a courtesy copy of two faxes for discussion with Mr. Cameron. You would want to ask the English about the meaning of: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) "Chose in Action" "The Jesuit joke about the search of Parliament by the Yeoman of the Guard" 'Toro de Osborne' 'Cameronian' 'Portuguese Jellyfish' "Britain's invisible foreign policy" - to quote John Kerry. "Grey" "Knock on wood and see that it is good" We believe that you will see how Common Law is 'Open at the Top' and why this is a blessing and competitive advantage for the English speaking people and is the way of the Tao. The tyranny of closed societies that "bury thing under the carpet" and "put lipstick on a pig" do not result in the way of the Tao. We would suggest that Xi Jinping push for a meeting with this 'unseen' author on an immediate basis, no matter what travel may be necessary as a consequence. Such a choice will open the entire American continent to the Chinese. We contemplate Tao in stillness for all of thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 4522 0228 Web: Postfach 73. CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: First Lord of the Treasury From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +442079250918 FAX: +390645220228 Date: 22-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 45 22 0228 Pages: 3 (including this page) David Cameron Firs! Lord of the Treasury cc: Her Majesty The Queen Dear Mr. Cameron, The fax we have just sent to the Bishops of Rome follows. It is our wish that you expedite a copy to Her Majesly The Queen and follow up wilh Rome 10 ensure that bolh Bishops of Rome gollheir a copy. The 'gold plaled' nuclear deal is a "classic" move, a Chose in Action. II sounds important. Have no illusions about the matter. We have seen 'Vertigo' in the recent news. Don't get vertigo. Walk that high wire with faith. We send our love 10 YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 45220228 Web: Postfach 73, CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: Pope Francis via Swiss Guard From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: +390669885122 FAX +390645220228 Date: 22-10-2015 Phone: +39 06 4522 0228 Pages: 1 (including this page) His Holiness Pope Francis His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI via: Commander on Duty, Swiss Guard /URGENT/ cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: Allies for the Rule of God's Law 22 October 201400:18 Rome Holy Fathers, Ave Maria, The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 23:1-8 is the scripture that Our Immaculate Virgin Mary has shown us: 23: 1 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD. 23:2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD. 23:3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. 23:4 And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD. 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice *in* the earth. 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. 23:7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; 23:8 But, The LORD liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land. We have read the various 'Circulus' reports; which sounds about right. There is no should-be-ought-to-be-why-it-ain't-so world. The 'judgement' of our Father upon the race of western 'men' is writ in bold on the face of it: " Rev 3: 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:" ... and thou hast not even a woman to call a wife! /Reductio ad absurdum/ can be seen at work. Those who were 'cock sure' of themselves, find that Chancellor Toro de Osborne has no bull and 01' Gov' Carney has no meat. Our Holy Fathers must, by now, have a copy of our letter to Xi Jinping regarding his London visit. Suggested actions 15/1 0/21 /lombardi_denies_pope_francis_health_reports/1180758 Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Romans 4:6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, Romans 4:7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. http://www. telegraph. co. uk/news/pol itics/ 11944803/Xi-J inpi ngs-UK-visit-to-secure-3 Obn-Chinese-i nv estment-live.html We suggest that Our Holy Fathers "seize the day, seize the hour", to quote Xi Jinping and bring him on a journey to "justify thy faith". We send our love to YHVH for our Holy Fathers! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Court of Record Fax/Tel: +39 06 4522 0228 Web: Postfach 73. CH 6314, Switzerland. FAX: To: From: Joseph Ray Sundarsson FAX: 10 Destination numbers FAX: +390645220228 Date: 08-07-2015 Phone: +39 06 45 22 0228 Pages: 1 (including this page) XXX Begin fax to '10 Downing Street' [08 July 20151 XXX Rt. Hon. David Cameron, MP cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [Ill cc: The Lord High Admiral Prince Philip cc: The Princess Royal. HRH Princess Anne cc: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI cc: His Holiness Pope Francis cc: Allies for the Rule of God's Law 08 July 2015 Dear Mr. Cameron, The Jesuit joke about the search of Parliament by the Yeoman of the Guard is upon you. When the office of 'Prime Minister' and 'First Lord of the Treasury' were created by Jesuitical Exegesis they did not leave a manual for the Prime Minister with this explanation. Given that the Crown Temple system ended up in 'their' control, together with the control of the Secret Service (GCHOJNSAJMI6JSIS/Chaos/CIA/Mossad/SS/whatever) and the control of the Hollywood & Music 'industries'; not to forget 'Christian' Priests; you can already see new plans for subliminal manipulation festering in the ether. That 'sex sells Apples' is well known; the marketing that made Apple II a success had 'free love' communes, for example, where all the 'men' had vasectomies. The Turing Sodomites of the GCHO have a Darwinian affinity for biting the Apple at 'free love' communes. That 'Apple' and 'GCHQ' are managed thus and the Apple data centre is now located in Denmark is no small coincidence. That you have been manipulated in the Jesuit tradition into supporting Apple Communism is evident by your plans for putting the back-doors of the Empire of Sodom into everything. http://arstechnica .co. uk/tech-policy/2 015/07/cameron-reaffi rms-there-wi II-be-no-safe-spaces-from-u k-government-snoopingl That the medical companies who created and spread Ebola and other viruses have bent your ear is visible: http://www. 7120/David-Cameron-G7 -must-wake-up-toEbola- type-threats. htm I That plans for a Jesuitical fake alien invasion by 'Greys' has been made public by the Astronomer Royal, Prof Lord Rees: http://www. telegraph. co. uklnews/science/space/1165 72671Astronomer -Royal-If-we-find-al iens-theywill-be-machines.html That the slaves of the Justice Department are sodomised by the Greys is evident in the name of the Justice Secretary Rt. Hon. Chris GRAYling. MP. Contrary to the popular press, His Holiness Pope Francis has NOT endorsed the Laudato Si encyclical. Contrary to impression of a casual reader, the Seal of the 'Holy See' has been fraudulently impressed here: O/holy_see ._us_sign_historic_accord_agai nst_tax_evasion _/1150442 The burning sensation created by the Potsdam Missile is visible in the face of Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky: jpg That the Vulture worshipers wish to enter the corporate cadaver of The Treasury is evident here: http://www. nance/budgetl11724067/July-Budget-1 ntroduci ng-Prime-Minister-Georg e-Osborne.html "The Chancellor of the Exchequer is a mafia don with his own family, a good thief and a real contender for the premiership." How the Jesuits used the 'Sovereignty of Parliament' to defeat the the 'Rule of Law' was recorded in 1929 in The New Despotism' by Lord Hewart of Bury, Lord Chief Justice. " Writers on the constitution have for a long time taught that its two leading features are the Sovereignty of Parliament and the Rule of Law. To tamper with either of them was, it might be thought, a sufficiently serious undertaking. But how far more attractive to the ingenious and adventurous mind to employ the one to defeat the other, and to establish a despotism on the ruins of both." How the Civil Service secretaries work with Parliamentary Committees to defeat ministers and the British Cabinet is well known, This is your daily life, That the Euro is dead and E.U., ECB, SNB and BIS along with it, are the corpses for a postmortem by a legal coroner. That there are no prices set in gold is now well known. This and more we have covered in our Amicus Curiae for Chartered Accountants. [ 1 We uphold the Common Law analysis of Justice Martin V. Mahoney and the Jury in the Minnesota Credit River decision. The bastards have been busy trying to bury it A 'Federal Reserve' note, or a British Pound, or a Swiss Franc, etc., is just paper and ink. No substance is at risk. We see no difference with that and a bank statement. The very word 'statement' means a bunch of words and/or numbers printed on a piece of paper: it mayor may not represent anything at all. The world-wide Consolidated Fund is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). That they have to work with a 'gold certificate' of the gold confiscated in the 'secret' 1933 bankruptsy of the United States. The 'Human Rights Act' is there to protect Members of Parliament, for example, yourself, and 'bankers' from being sent to the Tower of London for failing to defend the property rights of the men, women and children of England, Wales, Scotland, America, Russia, France, etc., Such also applies to M.E.P.s. and useless idiots at the United Nations or the International Criminal Court. Why is this so? You have all been Legal Idiots and are as such managed under the Consolidated Fund. That 'Greek Lighting' has gone down the pants of lecherous idiots is available on the face of the daily news. " Mr Osborne is proving to be a good thief, adept at pinching bright ideas from others .... " He is no different from the Jesuits, Cardinals and Bishops His Holiness Pope Francis has publicly lamented about, who are quite content to let this Court of Record make advances in private, which they hope to line their pockets with. The irony is, that the 'ideas' Mr. Osborne wishes to 'pinch' are the best kind of 'intellectual' property: you can publish them, idiots can 'pinch' them, but it just makes their donkey emit braying noises in pain. True 'intellectual' property is a functioning intellect. We are not talking about the mechanical ability to do sums or integral calculus - or even the ability to do that and simultaneously play Chess, Politics and Poker. God is Pure Intelligence; the escape from solipsistic box of 'Space- Time-Exisitence' to 'Bliss-Intelligence-Being' is within -this is salvation - or 'G 0 0' ... it is quite funny to see supposed reverence by 'Jews' who leave out the 0 in the acronym, G-D. We leave the investigation of the acronym to the curious. Those who control that 'Artificial Intelligence' computer which has failed to predict the course of events can read 'The Emperor's New Mind' by Roger Penrose. The real reason for 'A. I. Winter' is now clear. Perhaps you can ask a person who advises you. whose name is brought to your mind by this paragraph. The subsequent suggestion might be 'automatique'. Therin is the seed of a solution to some of your problems. In short, the Crown Temple Jesuits have deceived you into believing you are 'Prime Minister' in charge of a 'Cabinet'. Do you store cutlery? Or is it 'green tree' brand toilet paper? Perhaps it may now be clear why we made the suggestions earlier to not hold the elections. We suggest that the Allies for the Rule of God's Law provide the latest force to accompany Her Majesty The Queen or Her Majesty's designated Regent, with all due speed, to, together with His Holiness Pope Francis, constitute the members of this Court of Record. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master