Fax: fax.courtofrecord.uk/7CTcFR2M Date: 2016-07-25 To: 34915992525 Spanish Monarchy Court of Record R EC OR LEX TERRAE OF L LO BAL IS ES D G TO: Queen Letizia, et al FAX: 34915992525 DATE: 25 July 2016 Traitors and High Treason COURT Court of Record Postfach 73 Unterageri CH6314 Switzerland secretary@courtofrecord.org UK FAX : +44 1234 48 0111 Queen Letizia of Spain, Spanish Court cc: Italian Ambassador, German Ambassador, French Ambassador, Russian Ambassador, Belgian Ambassador cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: H.R.H. Prince Philip Lord High Admiral cc: H.R.H. Princess Anne, The Princess Royal cc: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lord High Steward cc: H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Palmyra, Joint Intelligence Chief cc: Court of St. James cc: Rt. Hon. Theresa Mary May, MP, Housekeeper for Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh; UK Police cc: His Holiness Pope Francis cc: His Excellency George W. Bush, Duke of America in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: His Excellency Shimon Peres, Patriarch cc: Queen Mathilde of Belgium cc: Allies for the rule of God’s Law “Witches of Paris” Open Letter Amicus curiæ 04 July 2016 ... 25 July 2016 Dear Letizia, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, greeting! We have seen the “Cunts of Malta” arrive and get your husband's back up against a wall, and they believe they can control the new king in his own court. The basti specialist, supposedly with “two big balls”, has had his exhibition. “Althoug h King Juan Carlos of Spain is a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire he is not as powerful as many others. King Juan is a 'Middle Eastern' Navig ator for the SMOM, under the command of the SMOM Council. You'll notice the powerful, H.E Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempo di Sang uinetto next to the Pope in that photog raph. These are the real power in the SMOM. Giacomo is the Grand Commander of the order. Then next to him we have the powerful, Grand Hospitaller, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselag er. The other side of Festing we see the Grand Chancellor, Jean-Pierre Mazery. Next to him is of course is the Receiver of the Common Treasure, Marchese Gian Luca Chiavari Patrician Genoese. So when we understand this, then one can see why J ua n C a rl os of S p a i n i s not p re se nt . Juan is like a provincial of the Jesuits. A Provincial is powerful but is nothing compared to an Assistant directly in contact with the SUPERIOR GENERAL. Example of this is New York Provincial, David S. Ciancimino being powerful but the Americas Assistant, James E. Grummer is the most powerful of all. When Maltese controlled Vladimir Putin comes out with terms like "The C ourt Tha t M a k e s The Ki ng , " this is who he's referring to.” http://www.spirituallysmart.com/SMOM.html When we wrote to Putin, www.courtofrecord.org.uk/Putin-PDF, the grace of YHVH took away their planned Russian Tsar. In French, Putain is Cunt. We know that the “Russian Constitution” was written in Malta. The grace of YHVH has taken away the DUMA from them. The U.S. Constitution is the most successful scam of the past few centuries, witchcraft at its best. The "Constitution" Delusion - Part I [Editor Frederick Mann: This is a two-part series on the falsely-called "US Constitution." The first part is by James Hazel, P.O. Box 863, Mount Ang el, OR 97362. Contact him for some fascinating freedom information.] ANTI-CONSTITUTIONALIST by James Hazel You will find the enclosed articles, published under the Masthead of THE ANTICONSTITUTIONALIST, to be factual and provocative. They raise disturbing questions concerning the basis of modern g overnment. These questions MUST BE ANSWERED by individuals who are in search of personal Liberty. Failure to solve the riddles posed by a bewildering Constitution can result, at best, in wasted energ y and spirit-crushing frustration. At worst, failure may result in individual trag edies and collective catastrophe. But an individual cannot answer questions he does not know how to ask; or solve riddles of which he is unaware. That’s where you come in! It’s important that these questions, issues and "riddles" be broug ht to the attention of numerous Americans. It is essential that a dialog ue beg in to take place concerning the intentions and covert motives behind the Constitution; and of that instrument’s real purposes, as well as its g rave, deleterious effects throug hout the history of America. Many of the issues raised in my enclosed articles, have NEVER BEEN ARTICULATED BEFORE! These are indeed novel, CUTTING EDGE CONCEPTS. As you will soon realise -- they are welldocumented; and you may wonder why no one, in over 200 years, has raised them before. You will find one answer to that question in 'THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GULLIBILITY,' which is included herein. For the benefit of your subscribers and readers, I urg e you to reprint any or all of the enclosed ANTI-CONSTITUTIONALIST articles that you find of interest. I will appreciate your g iving appropriate credit for the source. I also publish some powerful, mind-bog g ling , and thoroug hly- documented reviews and commentaries -- for details, contact: James Hazel, P.O. Box 863, Mount Ang el, OR 97362. I Thank you in advance for taking the time to examine and review the enclosures. But be forewarned: they may knock your socks off! THAT CUNNING CONSTITUTION On September 17, 1787, thirty-nine clever businessmen proposed a Constitution for the United States of America. Today, those 39 men are memorialised as the Founding Fathers. A more perfect title for the consortium would be the Fleecing Fathers! With unparalleled conceit, they styled themselves: "We, the People of the United States." Never before in history had there been a leg al body named "the People of the United States." In the Union of Independent States, under the Articles of Confederation, there were citizens of a State and residents or inhabitants of a State, but no collective status named People of a State or of States. The Fleecing Fathers coined the name for themselves. Their motives were as sinister as the Constitution they tag g ed after their new name; after: "We, the People of the United States, in Order to Form a More Perfect Union..." The Charter they crafted was as hallucinatory as a President’s State of the Union address; wordsmithed to appear innocuous, but in lang uag e calculated to slash, kill and indenture the innocents who are lulled to sleep by euphonic rhetoric. Their proposed constitution was advertised as the blueprint for eternal bliss; for peace, safety and order for all free men then living , and for their g enerations ad infinitum. BUT IN FACT, it provided for that constitution to be a commercial establishment; to be erected in an unapproachable place, above, around, but most particularly BETWEEN the wealthy States of the Union whose names it plag iarised. The face of the Preamble and the seven Articles of Incorporation literally reveal to whom the profits and benefits are assig ned: to the Fleecing Fathers (We, the People) and their linear descendants. Did you think the Constitution was a Warm, Fuzzy Sacred Puppy!? LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION 1. "We, the People of the United States" includes ONLY those 39 men who sig ned the Constitution on September 27, 1787. 2. The only Public Authority vested in the 39 Sig ners was to "propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation." In 1781, those Articles of Confederation had established a perpetual Union of States. 3. The Constitution established an entirely different Union, without abolishing the perpetual Union. Its authors did not propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation. They acted individually and collectively in their private capacity. 4. The Constitution is a private-law instrument which establishes a commercial monopoly. Its primary "place of business" or Seat of Government is between and above the States of the perpetual Union. 5. The Constitution does not act directly on citizens of the States in perpetual Union except on those citizens who voluntarily or tacitly consented to be subject to its terms. 6. The perpetual Union consisted of only those 13 sovereig n States which joined under the Articles of Confederation. No other States have ever been added to that Union. 7. All 50 "states," which are members of the "United States" pursuant to the Constitution, are all "new States" or "statuses"; including the orig inal 13 state-names; surreptitiously appropriated from the 13 States in perpetual Union. 8. Inhabitants, citizens or residents of the 37 district-states which have been admitted to the different, more perfect Union by the Cong ress, since the first 13 new States were admitted in 1789, have no standing to claim the rig hts which are reserved to citizens of the sovereig n States in perpetual Union. They may claim their Natural Birthrig hts, with no org anised g overnment to support and adjudicate their claims. Or they may claim the puny, revocable privileg es offered by the Constitution in exchang e for their alleg iance and servile servitude. THE CONSTITUTION: BLUEPRINT FOR HUMAN BONDAGE The 39 authors of the Constitution, resorted to virtually every editorial trick in the book to draft an instrument which would enable them, and their heirs, to enslave whoever would dare cross, or be born into, their private es-State. The instrument is all about enslaving the mass of men under the euphemism of voluntary servitude. To interpret their motives and methods, we examine the Corporate Articles which concern human slavery: Article I, Section 9, Clauses 1, 4 and 5, and Article V (which refers to Article I, Section 9). The most pertinent Clause of Article I, provided as follows: "The Mig ration or importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Cong ress prior to the Year 1808, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person." The 39 inventors of the Private Commercial Constitution were not concerned with eventually abolishing slavery of black men, but with extending coercive servitude to include ALL men other than themselves and their posterity, while collecting a tax on import and export of slaves, for the corporate coffer. As provided by Article VII, the Constitution was erected as an Establishment (i.e., a place of business or commerce) on imag inary lines ABOVE and BETWEEN the States which would ratify or ag ree to it, and which would thereby collectively g rant the 39 "We, the People" the private corporate charter they proposed and applied for. Having acquired absolute jurisdiction over the "places" drawn by imag inary lines; they thereafter had the rig ht to charg e tolls, fees, duties or taxes for any person or thing that may cross their private property. Other provisions, including provision for establishing the corporate headquarters in a district (of Columbia), situated between states; and the promulg ation of new Articles (known as the "13th and 14th amendments"), with their prolific byelaws, made completion of their scheme of mass enslavement, possible. DECODING THE MOTHER OF ALL RIDDLES When is this Union not the Union? In the Preamble of their Corporate Charter, known affectionately as the Constitution for the United States of America, the Fleecing Fathers voiced their intent to Form a more perfect Union. At first g lance, a literate student mig ht suspect that the authors of the Articles of Incorporation were unschooled in Eng lish Grammar. After all, what educated person would add to a superlative, as in more perfect? First impressions, however, are often wrong . Were the Fleecing Fathers unskilled in the art and science of writing ? HARDLY! In almost all cases, their expertise in Eng lish Grammar far exceeded that of most modern postg raduates. They were true symbol-aeog raphers; persons skilled in the art and cunning of making leg al instruments. When subjected to the Fog Index, a scientific process for determining the complexity of written matter, the Constitution scores at Grade-Level 26. In other words, comprehension requires 26 years of formal academic experience! That’s a hig h school diploma plus 14 years of g raduate and postg raduate education. The authors of the Constitution were indeed experts in the use of lang uag e. Where they said "..Form a more perfect Union," that’s exactly what they meant! The toug hest riddles to crack and the most amazing mag ic tricks, are those which focus the "victim’s" attention away from the solution. In the case of the cunning Constitution, its authors pointed to one Union, while creating an entirely different Union; with word-mag ic [emphasis added]. They formulated a riddle that has beg g ed a solution for over 200 years. Illusionists (liars), however carefully they try to conceal evidence, invariably leave clues by which their delusions can be dissipated. The Fleecing Fathers were no exception to the Rule of Riddles. They referred to three different forms of "Union." In their Preamble they mentioned "a (more perfect) Union," which referred to "this Union," mentioned in Article 1-3, and Article 4-3,4. In addition, they spoke of "the Union" which, where used at Article 1-815, refers to the pre-existing Union of Independent States; and where used at Article 23: to the new states which would be admitted into the more perfect Union. For over 200 years, since the ambitious Constitution was proposed (in 1787), the appointed experts and "leaders" -- teachers, preachers and politicians -- have trained the less-literate human herd in the false precept that the present "Union" is a continuation of the one which declared Independence from Eng land in 1776. A literal reading of the Constitution proves that IT IS NOT a "continuing g overnment." The present Union, is a fabrication; whose materials are fraud and deceit. [emphasis added] The Preamble of the Constitution acknowledg es the Union of States which existed prior to its execution, and implies that the pre-existing Union was perfect. And a "Union," which means one and unique (like "I," "Eg o" and "Self") is by definition perfect. A n a b sol ut e uni que t hi ng c a nnot l og i c a l l y b e ma de more p e rf e c t , a ny more t ha n i t c a n b e ma de more uni que . Not one word of the Fleecing Fathers’ Constitution acts directly on that pre-established Union. No word repeals or abolishes that Union, nor expands nor limits its jurisdiction. The Constitution merely plag iarises its name as a cunning means of exploiting and confiscating the resources of the Several Lawful States; and converting their citizens and inhabitants into human resources for the profit of the Authors and their Posterity. As revealed in their Preamble, they arrang ed their Union in Order, after and above the sequence of the Union which they usurped. "When is THIS Union not the Union?" Solution: When the Union is the orig inal, lawful Union. A MOUSE IN BEN’S POCKET [from Joshua Mouse's Notes On the Constitutional Convention] A cabal of businessmen, mostly Free Masons, met in secret sessions. They were charg ed, as their respective credentials stated, to propose amendments to the Articles of Confederation. They soon adopted a different, more sinister ag enda. In their public capacity, authorised by the Leg islatures of several independent States "to amend or revise the Articles of Confederation"; they were oblig ated to Convene in Public. But Secret Societies, by definition and necessity, meet in secret. As for business or commercial neg otiations, especially those which involve trade secrets: the historical Maxim is that it’s nobody else’s business. The fact that the Free Press and the g eneral public were barred from the Convention, raised many hackles and suspicions. Patrick Henry, from his vantag e point outside the bar, in Virg inia, thoug ht he smelt a rat. The year was 1787. The place: Philadelphia’s State House. Security was tig ht. A pundit was heard to exclaim: "Nary a mouse could breech the g uard." But one did. His name was Joshua. His notes read (in pertinent part) as follows: JUNE 23, 1787, 2 O’clock P.M. -- The arg ument between Mason and Hamilton wearied the Master, who called a recess. B. Franklin, G. Washing ton and A. Hamilton retired to the table near my post, discretely distant from the others. Grasping fast my notepad, I scurried into the g enerous pocket of Franklin’s coat to better hear, while taking repast of crumbs his careless valet had missed on last cleaning . GW: To continue the conversation beg an over dinner last nig ht: of this I am certain: to indenture the common herd to serve us like our black slaves, will require their tacit consent. We must therefore devise an instrument that they will unanimously misperceive to be in their best interests, over our own. It must appear to be not only for them, but more importantly, deriving from, of and by the common people, while the ultimate power is reserved to us. AH: (Addressing Franklin): The proposition of our friend and lodg e Brother, Georg e, deserves our most profound scrutiny and assistance. If General Washing ton’s martial talents are excelled by others, it is his experience and expertise in Ag riculture; and especially in the manag ement, breeding , and domestication of black human animals. BF: Gentlemen, we have long had before us a model of a contract such as Georg e advocates. Back in ‘34, when I was a young printer, I published Anderson’s Constitutions; which established the formal, written g overnment for the fraternity of Free Masons. Surely you have both studied it as you have prog ressed throug h the Deg rees. Recall its Article 10, which permits even probates of each Lodg e to merg e their opinions with the majority, to be addressed to their Master. Not, mind you, that the Master need act on the instructions of the lowly. And consider Article 39, which provides for secret election of the Grand Master and other officers; with its appearance that Power lies with the majority; but is silent about the provocateurs who ming le with it, fomenting the consensus of opinion. In combination, the Articles of Anderson’s Constitutions establishes a g overnment which superficially appears to be of, by and for the g eneral Lodg e membership, but which in their leg al lang uag e make all meaning ful power to reside in the hands of the Ruling Elite. Anderson’s is an exemplary model for accomplishing what Georg e proposes; that is: drawing the labour of all inhabitants, of every race -- with the exception of ourselves and our posterity-- into a condition of tacitly-consensual servitude; to be human resources for our eternal Ag ri-Business. (Old Ben pushed a soiled handkerchief into my sanctuary. The discussion continued for several more minutes; but muffled to my ear). I scampered from Franklin’s coat as the threesome arose, and resumed my post near the woodpile. A. Hamilton received permission to address the Convention. "Gentlemen," he beg an, "I propose a new form of g overnment; a proposal which will end our impasse and which, I predict, will g arner the unanimous approval of the g overned..." THE NEW STATES OF AMERICA Constitutionalists are Constitutionalists because they are confused. All it takes for one to become a fervent Anti-Constitutionalist is A BRIEF MOMENT OF CLARITY. This may be that moment! The typical Constitutionalist adheres relig iously to the false tenet that the Constitution provided for a continuing g overnment for those thirteen sovereig n States which comprised the Union under the Articles of Confederation. In other words, the Doctrine alleg es that upon ratification of the Constitution, those 13 States came into the more perfect Union, lock, stock and barrel. In fact, only the NAMES of those 13 States were admitted into the more perfect Union! After the new, different Union was established with the admission of the first 13 names, the perpetual Union between the Confederated States under the Articles of Confederation, continued to exist. Neither the boundaries, sovereig nty nor jurisdiction of any of the Orig inal States was altered or abolished. And they exist today. Perpetuity is much long er than 200 years! The first 13 names to enter the more perfect Union were each admitted under authority of Article IV, Section 3, of that Sacred Writ; that Corporate Commercial Charter to which so many fools pledg e their lives and honour: the Constitution for the United States of America. It states: "New States may be admitted by the Cong ress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of another (perpetual Union) State; nor any (new) State be formed by the Junction of two or more (new) States, or parts of (new) States, without the Consent of the Leg islatures of the (new) States concerned as well as of the Cong ress." We, the People, those 39 inventors of the more perfect Union, lacked authority to act on the Sovereig n States of the Confederation. Therefore, each reference they made to "any State or States," referred only to their New States — to names or Statuses. The Orig inal States, under the Articles of Confederation, remained intact and sovereig n; associated in an unique perpetual Union. By the explicit terms of the Charter (at Article IV, Section 3, above), no new Name or Status (State) admitted into the more perfect Union, could bring with it any jurisdiction (power and authority) of any perpetual Union State. Article IV, Section 3, provides that new States "may be admitted by the Cong ress into this Union." The Unanimous Order of the Convention, issued simultaneous with the sig ning of the proposed Constitution, provided that the Cong ress and President be selected and installed BEFORE the terms of the Constitution, including the admission of any States, would be executed. Before approving admission of new names or statuses (States) into nominal, inferior membership; the "Chairman" (President) and “Board of Directors” who were charg ed with enacting the bylaws (the Cong ress), must be installed. All new members, names, statuses (States), beg inning with the first 13, were admitted only by approval of the pre-installed Cong ress. The "United States of America" under the commercial Constitution is a clever forg ery, which appropriates not only the names of lawful States in perpetual Union under the Articles of Confederation, but even the name of that pre-existing Union, itself! The Constitution is a g ig antic fraud, perpetrated upon g enerations of trusting and g ullible inhabitants of North America. It doesn’t benefit me; and it doesn’t benefit YOU, unless you are a direct descendant of one of the 39 Fleecing Fathers. It is fit only for docile and domesticated herd animals who do not object to being bred, harnessed and milked for the profit of a privileg ed few. I have recorded here only one of the deceitful webs woven in that commercial charter. There are many, many more. To ferret them out for yourself you need only read the Constitution literally; as all leg al instruments must be interpreted. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GULLIBILITY [Why Otherwise Intellig ent People Slavishly Support a Constitution They Don’t Understand.] At first g lance, the impartial scientific observer discovers in the Constitution what appear to be g ross inconsistencies in Lang uag e and g rammar. But on closer inspection he finds they are not inconsistencies or typos after all, but are in fact evidence of an underlying sinister nature and intent. To offer up only one of dozens of examples, many of which have even more g rave implications than our instant sample: Article VI, Section 2, mentions "the Laws of the United States," providing that they shall constitute one-third of "the supreme Law of the Land." That’s pretty heavy stuff, with no room for ambig uity! But Article I, Section 8, Clause 15, mentions different Laws which, not being the Laws of the United States, are deemed inferior. Those inferior Laws are the Laws which the Militia may be called forth to execute. They are "the Laws of the Union." The Apolog ist for the Constitution and its authors, the Fleecing Fathers, will alleg e that those g iant, hig hly-educated minds used the United States and the Union interchang eably, and that they mean one and the same thing . THEY DON’T! In fact, "the United States" and "the Union," as leg al entities, are as different as black and white or nig ht and day! They are not literally the same. And in the context of history, they are as dissimilar as a real person and an artificial person. If the Apolog ist is wrong and the literal lang uag e of the Constitution is the Leg al Reality, what are the implications, beyond confusing the Hell out of millions of somnambulistic Americans? Consider this: While Article I identifies the purpose of the Militia (plural) as being to execute the (inferior) Laws of the Union, and the unanimously misconstrued Second Amendment defines the purpose of the Militia as being necessary to the security of a free State; what does that say about "the United States" and its supreme Laws? BINGO! Of Course! — "the United States" is an UN-FREE STATE, and pre-existing States of the Union (that unique, perpetual leg al entity under the preexisting Articles of Confederation) and the Laws thereof, are the free States which the Militia is charg ed with defending . As these words are written the confused members of the many upstart "Citizen Militia" (respectively sing ular) have not yet been slaug htered or taken as prisoners by the Armed Forces of the United States. (Time will correct that nonfeasance). To a man, the members of self-appointed Militia pledg e their very lives to the defence and support of the Constitution... not to the defence of the lawful perpetual Union, and to the execution of its Laws. No sa ne a nd f ul l y -i nf orme d M a n woul d c onsi de r sup p ort i ng a c onst i t ut i on t ha t i s unf i t f or, a nd de si g ne d t o "k i l l , " t he na t ura l , i nb orn f re e dom of M e n a nd Wome n . What psycholog ical imperatives drive people to commit their minds and bodies to such delusions? The following analog y should suffice to g et the point across: A certain child acts like a perfect ang el at home; well-mannered, ing ratiating , studious and seeming ly empathetic. But when out of his mother’s line of vision, he is a budding sociopath. He steals from cons and manipulates everyone in his destructive path. He is the veritable Bad Seed. To the casual observer, he is a classic schizophrenic; a split or dual personality. But in fact his real personality is sociopathic. The personality he presents to his mother is superficial, merely an appearance. Mother isn’t completely stupid. She sees inconsistencies between her child’s at-home and away personas. There are the unexplained fruits of them that appear in the child’s room. There are the "hateful rumours" of mut i l a t i on of sma l l a ni ma l s , spread by neig hbours. But Mother ig nores the "inconsistencies," and g ives the benefit of the doubt to her sweet, precocious child. After all SHE is Good. She knows that. And therefore, her child, however poorly she understands his nature, must also be Good. He is, after all, a child that derives of her, by her and in the universal view, for the Mother. Protecting , supporting and defending her offspring (like supporting a misunderstood constitution) is an emotional necessity having nothing to do with reason and log ic. It’s one thing , and as excusable as it is understandable, to permit one’s emotion to rule in matters concerning his prog eny. But where leg al instruments are concerned, which can result in our death, deprivation, imprisonment or other restraints on our birthrig hts to Liberty; we dare not suspend our reason, log ic, common sense and capacity for CRITICAL ANALYSIS! Editor’s Comments: In reg arding the pretended "perpetual Union" created by the socalled "Articles of Confederation" as lawful, Mr. Hazel makes a serious error. As Lysander Spooner effectively indicated in 'No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority,' a l l sup p ose d "c onst i t ut i ons" a re i nst rume nt s of f ra ud a nd de c e p t i on . This applies as much to the pretended "Articles of Confederation" as it applies to the falsely-called "U.S. Constitution." The spinners of all supposed "constitutions" are sp i de rs spinning webs of illusion, delusion, and hallucination! This process of weaving a spell is the task of witches, of which there are many in this world. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles is an example, which did not fool the English but did leave the Spanish to learn their lessons the hard way in the Spanish Civil War and in the Guerra Sucia in Argentina. Then beg an the weaving of that web of sophistry and Jesuitical exeg esis that was finally to clothe with insincerity the lang uag e and substance of the whole Treaty. The word was issued to the wi t c he s of all Paris: F a i r i s f oul , a nd f oul i s f a i r, Hov e r t hroug h t he f og a nd f i l t hy a i r. The subtlest sophisters and most hypocritical draftsmen were set to work, and produced many ing enious exercises which mig ht have deceived for more than an hour a cleverer man than the President. The Economic Consequences Of the Peace John Maynard Keynes, C.B. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 00:33 GMT 07 July 2016 The sidereal anniversary, Sun conjunct Sirius of “independence day” in the United States has occurred on the 6th of July. We wrote on the 4th of July thus: Mahakali, YHVH in Her active form has shown us, “the dog is dead” and has been “buried in the g round”, that is to say like Pope Paul VI, “in true earth”. Contemplation on this topic, g iven that it is 4th of July, a day chosen by desig n to be sun conjunct Sirius, is like “the dog is dead, long live the dog ”. The precession of the equinox has moved the actual date by about two days to the 6th of July, on which the Moon is trine Saturn. At the same time, Jupiter+Node is trine Pluto+Veg a opposite Sun+Sirius+Mercury, Mars trine Chiron trine Venus conjunct Pollux, Uranus opposite Spica, Ceres conjunct Andromeda, the Saturn square Neptune, backed as it were, by Mars trine Chiron, creating a Pyramid, as it were. The time is rig ht to “stuff the Turkey on The Hill” and end the farce called the United Nations. ... The LORD God, YHVH, as Purusha , seen in the Vision of Arjuna described in the Gita , is the Body of Christ , “We the People”. This is one of the “Holy Trinity”. Thus, the LORD Himself is the plaintiff, King of this Court of Record of YHVH. We have written about how “constitutional” g overnment itself was an attempt to draw the attention to the “covenant” with the living YHVH, our Lord Jesus Christ. The news today is that, ‘In a stunning rebuke to one of the nation’s oldest and most established law-enforcement agencies, House Republicans voted unanimously on Tuesday to abolish the Federal Bureau of Investigation ... House Speaker Paul Ryan offered no specific reason for the Republicans’ sudden frenzy of activity to abolish the F.B.I., but said that the Bureau represented “big government at its worst.”’. http://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/congressional-republicans-voteto-abolish-f-b-i Mahakali, YHVH in Her Active Form has shown us the plight of men the world over, who seek to get a ‘safe government job’, who find that they have become inmates of a lunatic asylum at best, you can “check in any time you like, but you can never leave’ She has also shown us in contemplation regarding the news that started this letter, that it was like a swarm of hungry female mosquitoes, hungry for their meal, but when YHVH Himself, Rudra, Lord of Hosts, woke up, She and the mosquitoes vanished. Contemplation on this topic of control of the king, your husband, reveals a strategy of civil war in Latin America and in Africa. We see in the news that Netanyahu has been sent on an African tour and Pizzaballa is now in Jerusalem. The arrogant idiots at the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, whose army of tits is their trademark, must note that meekness is a virtue they do not appear to posses. The meek shall inherit ... The Sovereign dissolves the E.U. We now record the sequence of email forwards of our recent fax to you: Dear Sir or Madam, Kindly forward this courtesy copy to HM The Queen, Crown Princess Mary, Princess Marie and the ladies of the Danish Court. Nothing has gone kaboom, The Shard is in one piece. Bankers won't be fleeing to Europe. As HM The Queen said, "have no fear". -------- Forwarded Message -------Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Spanish Monarchy Date: Sun, 03 Jul 2016 16:50:31 +0000 From: Court of Record To: Sandstone, Luxembourg CC: Pope Francis via Commander, Swiss Guard Sandstone, Luxembourg cc: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, His Holiness Pope Francis bcc: HMQ, GWB Kindly print and deliver this courtesy copy email and attachment to Stéphanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and the ladies of the Luxembourg court. We suggest that His Excellency Jean-Claude Juncker is given a copy and informed that The Sovereign has dissolved the European Union. -------- Forwarded Message -------Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Spanish Monarchy Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 23:50:56 +0000 From: Court of Record To: amb.santasede!orderofmalta.int CC: Pope Francis via Commander, Swiss Guard secretary!courtofrecord.org.uk Courtesy copy for: cc: Grand Master Fra' Matthew Festing, Sovereign Order of Malta. cc: H.E. Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager, Bailiff, Sovereign Order of Malta via embassy, Holy See. Perhaps SMOM never heard of our first request that SMOM be disbanded by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, which was occasion for one of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI's recent rare appearances. A path forward has been shown to us with regards to forgiveness of money-of-account. It requires men who know how to listen. -------- Forwarded Message -------Subject: Fwd: Spanish Monarchy Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2016 21:44:28 +0000 From: Court of Record To: Pope Francis via Commander, Swiss Guard CC: HMQ, GWB His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI His Holiness Pope Francis via Commander Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II cc: His Excellency George W. Bush Your Holinesses, Attached is a courtesy copy of a recent fax to the Spanish Monarchy. We draw Your Holiness' attention to the top header line. We suggest that you investigate the following: " ... front for the Italian and Spanish black nobility headed by the Borgia, Medici, Orsini and Del Banco (Warburg) families among others. " In the Italian context, Exodus 32 applies together with Leviticus 20:13. Mahakali has shown us "slow poison" at work "against dog". We have heard reports of the activation of the FEMA civilian corps. This reminds us of the PATRIOT act, the statutory implementation of the Jesuit oath to "kill all protestants". It reminds us of the poison grids connected to water systems, for example, in Los Angeles. We has been show Psalm 73. We have seen recent pictures of both Your Holinesses w.r.t. the Benedict Ordination celebrations. The difficulty, as usual, is getting idiots to listen (which by definition of idiot, they cannot be expected to). Yet the difficulty cannot be blamed on "protestants". Does Mr. Parolin control the Nuncios? If not, who is their puppet master? We hear the bitching and moaning: > Asked if perhaps the Pope had been warned by the secretariat of > State not to use the word genocide but overruled them, Father > Lombardi replied... > http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1351327?eng=y Has Magical Mr. Magister wondered why? The entire web site sounds like he is complaining about the Bishop of Rome. Do the Nuncios live by the Beatitudes? Or is preaching and living the beatitudes below them? How do they worship? Oh yes, the special way, like the Nuncio to Ukraine, now posted to Switzerland, or the Nuncio to Poland, now posted to Russia. Ra Ra Rasputin? Geneva Bubbles. What goes round comes around. We had suggested the dissolution of SMOM and the resignations of certain Nuncios. Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Outside the EU/Poland/Belgium/Austria/Italy fiasco, what is the Nuncio to Sri Lanka up to? More fishermen have been caught up in irrational animosity. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi is wanted by this Court of Record regarding our the investigation of Indian mini-nukes. We have been shown Italian plans for 'Roman Sacrifice' in the Indian sub continent. The Mercy is in the slaying re Exodus 32 and Leviticus 20:13. Calling for Mercy, abolishing the death penalty, or for that matter "calling for respect", won't help. We suggest that Your Holinesses gather the Black Nobility and diplomats and give them, once again, a chance to become Christian and "sin no more". We suggest that they do not look for Protestant Christians or Mad Muslims to blame. Forgiveness does not mean, keep at it boys, stay in your High Chairs, keep sinning, there is a big fucking pile of gold for thy loyalty. The entire machinery of government put in place by the black nobility has to go, together with them. It is obvious that there is another meaning of "Brexit" that rankles them. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Attachment: fax.courtofrecord.uk/7CTcFR2M As this is an Open Letter, we suggest that readers download and read the attachment. Our Father 6:8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread. 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. The Gospel According to Saint Matthew, King James Bible Microcosm Keir Argent, whom we have created as Duke of Switzerland in Her Majesty's Commonwealth, is now in the land known as Chelmsford, England. The Trust Property of this Court of Record of YHVH has been reclaimed with brass signs that declare such on the entrance on the main building and warehouse. On the 10th of June, 2016, the day Metrobank was served by email and a number of prominent banks the world over by fax, the share price of Metrobank tanked by most of its value as shown in the screen capture image on right. Sealed copies of the documents have been delivered to Metrobank, amongst others. The shareholders, directors, board members of Metrobank must know in their bones that they are wanted for High Treason under the Treason Act 1351 (C2), Fraud, conspiracy, and terminal stupidity regarding Exodus 32, Leviticus 20, Exodus 22:18. This applies, including but not limited to, to the ‘men’ of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Mr. Festing, Cardinal Burke ... all Cardinals, Bishops, Rabbis, Imams and Anglican Nutters, all conspiring idiots in Malta, for example the Central Bank of Malta, all ‘bankers’, all traitors and fuckwits in your husband's court, the Chancellor George Osborne and the Chancery Division, the British Cabinet, HMRC, Companies House, E.U. Bureau Rats, Mr. Fabius, Mr. Soros, Nominet, ARIN, RIPE, NATO, NASA, DUMA, FUCK, the Solicitor Regulation Authority, Parliament, E.U. Parliament, U.S. Congress, U.S. District Courts, E.U. Courts, ICC, constitutional nutters, for example in U.S., Austria and Canada, waffling Barristers, Black Nobility, for example Borgia, Medici, Orsini and Del Banco (Warburg) families among others. The Prince Albert Award It has been the practice to award a Victoria Cross for gallantry in battle. By the grace of YHVH, revealed by Princess Diana, Mahakali in Her Active Form, a new award shall be bestowed by this Court of Record of Jesus Christ, called a ‘Prince Albert’ for fucking stupidity in chivalry. ‘Fuck’, as Her Majesty has noted, is an Anglo Saxon word that means to ‘broadcast seed’. DNA tests will reveal where the “noble” seeds have fallen and sprouted. We suggest you ask the former king for a sneak preview. It is the Common Law of YHVH, BEING, ‘Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name’, that DNA has no bearing on Fathership. A frog and a prince are One. ‘Forever’, is but a wink in BEING. Matthew 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. Court of Law ‘The Iraq inquiry website makes it clear that the inquiry “is not a court of law”, and so cannot discuss criminal culpability.‘ http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2016/05/what-do-we-know-about-chilcotinquiry-report-and-when-will-it-be-published This is a Court of Law. Our Open Letter to Professor Dawkins, courtofrecord.uk/DawkinsPDF, discusses the epistemology and ontology of all possible knowledge and evidence, the Tree rooted in That Which IS, and relates it to the evolution of Judeo-Christian contracts, language and Law. All current and former Prime Ministers and heads of MI5 / MI6 are wanted in this Court of Record of YHVH . 16:51 GMT 08 July 2016 In our microcosm, the following events of the 7th of July are recorded below, reported times are local time: At approximately 08:25 on Thursday 7 July 2016, Abig ail Jones of Fisher Partners arrived at Court of Record Trust Property, 32 Writtle Road Chelmsford. Craig Herrett who was standing near me at the time, advised me that she was outside the front door and I said that I'll g o and meet her. Throug h the opened door I said "Hello Abig ail, I'm Keir" and shook her hand. I said I'd like to offer tea or coffee, however this is Trust Property and she will have to leave. She replied that as an officer of the 'court' she had a 'rig ht' to be there, althoug h she did not explain how this g ave her any rig ht. I responded that she had already been put on notice not to trespass and that she would be personally liable if she did. I reminded her that not only her, but Fisher Partners had been put on formal notice and sug g ested that if she did not wish to be held liable that she leaves and that she passes notice upline to those responsible for her presence and direction. Abig ail said OK and left. I noted that she did not ask to enter. The conversation lasted about 2 minutes. At approximately 08:40, I telephoned Essex Police to report the above incident. I explained to the duty officer, a male who would not g ive his name, that there was an attempted trespass at 32 Writtle Road, Chelmsford by Abig ail Jones of Fisher Partners and that she had been asked to leave and that she did so. I said that I am reporting the incident for the record since we wish that Essex Police assist us in the event of a breach of the peace, should she attempt this ag ain. He g ave me an incident number 244 and said I should call ag ain if she persists. The conversation lasted about 3 minutes. Received from Keir Arg ent, 7 July 2016 10:32 PM GMT. There is, we have heard, a threat to “obtain an injunction”. This is a bluff for had they actual legal authority they would not hesitate to use it to enter the property. An injunction can only be obtained against the action of a ‘lower court’. This Court of Record has a noose in Admiralty around every man or woman in the Chancery Division; Fraud; they are unable to answer except with more fraud and bluster. 15:26 GMT 14 July 2016 We are sending this draft as we see you are further embattled. Tell the fuckers who don't want the austerity of pepinos that they can “eat” fruitcake. Make a list of the traitors to yourselves and to the Latin people. Make plans to dismiss the Government of France. The necessary force will be there! Commander, Swiss Guard cc: His Holiness Pope Francis via Commander Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II via Sandringham Estate cc: His Excellency George W. Bush, Duke of America in Her Majesty's Commonwealth Dear Sir, Please print this fax for His Holiness Pope Francis. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2016/07/13/pope_francis_surprise_visit_to_commission_for_lati We see that His Holiness Pope Francis has been to the Commission of Latin American fuckers. Tell them, 'it is over boys, the "choppers" are coming'. The fucking President of Mexico, Argentina, etc., and their "corrupt" police are in line for learning to sing "Zip a dee doo dah". If the language of sexual violence is all they understand, the LORD God YHVH is the one who speaks it so they may listen. It is our wish that His Holiness Pope Francis assemble the 'Sovereign Military Order of Malta', present a copy of this draft to them, and inform them that *The Sovereign* has *dissolved* their order and the 'Republic of Malta'. We have seen the 'Hydrogen bomb Tsunami' in the Pacific threat by 'The Borg' in the chatter as well as the threat of booting up the Japan Plot. Remember Fukushima? All involved shall be arrested and Frog Marched to The Rock. It is our wish that His Holiness provide a copy to Prime Minister Renzi and inform him that *The Sovereign* has dissolved the Republic of Italy. We send our love to YHVH for His Holiness and for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master -------- Forwarded Message -------Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:05:14 +0000 From: Court of Record fax To: Spanish Monarchy 01:36 GMT 15 July 2016 Clock in the sky says Moon conjunct Mars grand trine Chiron and Sun. Saturn square Neptune. Pluto trine Node. Venus conjunct Mercury. Uranus quincunx Mars+Moon and square Sun. 00:33 GMT 16 July 2016 There are reports of a coup in Turkey, the French ambassador has been to see you, its nuts in Nice, in our microcosm the administrators arrived with rubber stamped unsigned junk papers from a Judge Nuggee and were told to “fuck off”, and they did. ... 22:31 GMT 16 July 2016 Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey claims a man known as Fethullah Gulen, is the “head of terror” ... for him that is. A lil' Roman Bear plays peek peek in Finland. The Dancing War Elephants are very still. The Penguins of Antarctica are getting worried. A man in Florence, who perhaps slinks around his “nuclear shelter”, does not want sunshine and nor does he want to sing. ... “2,745 Judges, Prosecutors”, are said to be rounded up in Turkey. John Forbes Kerry says “up yours” to Ergodan's request for extradition. All this is in the chatter, in a manner of speaking. Looking a little deeper into the chatter, we can discover the meme, “who is John Galt?”. The Ergodan sockpuppet speaks for a Roman, when he names Mr. Gullen, who, all of a sudden, must be very sullen. We are therefore investigating if he was a mentor of the idiots in the CIA who adopted the Ottoman Sultan as their model, believing that, this perversion of Allah, YHVH by another name, is the model to emulate under the cover of the Egyptian Goddess ISIS to mask the Roman dick. The Roman witches lay claim to their Islamic Triumviratus via multiple routes; the French witches plucking the petals of Swedish daisies the pollen of which is getting up the noses of Roman bears. This is a summary in picture language. However all is not as it seems. 21:29 GMT 17 July 2016 Queen, not Empress Now, the first thing which it would be desirable to know is the exact meaning of the word "Imperial;" because, althoug h the rig ht hon. Gentleman has most properly foreborne from anticipating what use Her Majesty may make of the power proposed to be g iven her, we all know pretty well that what is pointed at is the addition of some title taken from her Indian dominions, and that title, I apprehend, can be only one of two—either that of "Queen "or that of "Empress." Now, I think it is extremely desirable that we should know, when we are dealing with this question, what we exactly mean by "Imperial," and what is implied by the word "Empress." Let me point out what is the law on this subject. It is not very abstruse. The notion of the Crown of Eng land being an Imperial Crown is a very old one, as the 24th & 25th of Henry VIII. will show. At the time he had his quarrel with the Court of Rome he passed two successive Acts declaring the Crown to be an Imperial one. That was reiterated when James I. succeeded to the Crown of Eng land and Scotland, and it was ag ain reiterated in the year 1800 at the time of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland. It is, therefore, perfectly well established that the Crown of the United King dom of Eng land, Scotland, and Ireland is an Imperial Crown. But still it remains to be seen what an Imperial Crown means. Blackstone, in his Commentaries, shows clearly that it means something very different from what was supposed by many persons. In pag e 497 of the second volume of Stephens' Blackstone, reference is made to the fact, that formerly the ridiculous notion existed that an Emperor could do many thing s which a King could not, and that all King s were subordinate to the Roman and German Emperors. The meaning of the Leg islature in using the word 412 imperial was only to assert that a Sovereig n was as supreme in this King dom as an Emperor was in his, and was not subject to any Potentate on the earth. Well, then, that being the meaning , what is the state of the case with reg ard to India? Is not India precisely in the position of an Imperial Crown? There is nobody else who can set up any claim of supremacy over Her Majesty, who holds the uncontrolled and undivided sovereig nty of India. The matter, then, resolves itself into this—Her Majesty has precisely the same rig hts over the United King dom as over India, and yet—I am now g oing on the supposition that the title of Empress will be chosen—Her Majesty is to be called the Queen of one and the Empress of the other. In other words, we are to have the same thing desig nated by two different names. I can see no advantag e which can possibly follow from that. To desig nate the same thing in different ways can only lead to confusion and mischief. It is, in fact, opposing two thing s to each other, between which there is no opposition at all. ROYAL TITLES BILL LEAVE HC Deb 17 February 1876 vol 227 cc407-28 - MR. DISRAELI 407 http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/commons/1876/feb/17/leave The real reason, not mentioned in debates is that thou shalt not have Emperors before YHVH. Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. You have no need of kings or civil government for YHVH is directly the Sovereign LORD over man or creature. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Duke of The Rock By the grace of YHVH we have created your husband, the living man born Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos as Duke of The Rock of Gibraltar and this has been found to be acceptable in His sight. You now know that this title Duke carries with it a high office, not any less than that of ‘king’. You also know that the Court of Spain that he inherited was filled with traitors and filth. You also know that there is a Herculean task for him to “clean the stables”, as it were. We have suggested a non-territorial model of governance, as the Duke of The Rock he will have the duty to pluck those who worship Caesar or the Pharaoh or Duumvirs, or Roman or Egyptian Gods, or those who defy the Laws of Moses, et cetetra, and bring them to justice. We have also noted that there is a strong desire in the House of Bourbon to return to their former estate in France and that as it is a Jubilee, he can proceed to dismiss the Government of France and arrange matters there to his satisfaction. It is the English tradition to look after the comfort of the Sovereign. The very name signifies the man or woman who is the symbol of the Rule of YHVH. To those who know YHVH directly and know the non-dual, no earthly kings or civil authority have any dominion. The Abrahamic faith itself is a path to bring all men and women to know YHVH who “speaks” our space-time ‘existence’ for us. Duke of Switzerland By the grace of YHVH we have created the living man known as Keir Argent in Chelmsford, England as Lord Keir Argent, Duke of Switzerland in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth. The title signifies that he enjoys a high office, not any less than that of ‘king’, for he is a symbol of the Rule of YHVH. Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh and all Constables of Her Majesty’s kingdom, take conscious cognisance of this, for this man Keir Argent is fully empowered to enforce the Common Law. Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh and all Constables of Her Majesty’s kingdom, take conscious cognisance of this, that the Chancery Division court in Rolls Building is a fraud upon the English men, women and children, there are no magistrates there, they operate a court of no record, they have no power of arrest, there cannot be any ‘contempt of court’ from anyone there, each and everyone operating under them, for example a police officer, corporate bailiff, administrator or judge can be “hanged drawn and quartered’ for High Treason under the Act of Treason 1351. In short, if he tells you to “fuck off”, you better fuck off. The consequences of the dissolution of UNITED KINGDOM, for example, the dissolution of the banks and your pension fund, is put in his care. “Star Wars” forces are his shadow. The unknown incarnation “Before ye call I shall answer’, is a terse summary of the nature of YHVH. Ramakrishna Paramhansa, God incarnate and Swami Vivekananda, His apostle, transformed the 20th century - their words shaped the complex history that unfolded since then. There is mercy spoken for those who have followed the Left Hand Path, for example, of Aleister Crowley, and more recently of Bowie. 01:32 GMT 18 July 2016 His Holiness Pope Francis via Commander Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II], ... Court of St. James cc: His Excellency George W. Bush, ... Duke of America in Her Majesty's Commonwealth cc: engafrica ! vatiradio.va Your Holiness, We have read this report: > “As the African Heads of States come together in Kigali, Rwanda, I > ask that we pray for God’s guidance so that the Heads of States can > find it within themselves to steer Africa and indeed our region to > prosperity in fear of God,” Cardinal Berhaneyesus said. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2016/07/13/cardinal_berhaneyesus_appeals_to_the_au/1243910 Your Holiness knows of how we wrote to the then-not-yet-president of South Sudan. He did not listen and went ahead with a get rich quick scheme ... with tragic results. We recall the Arrest Warrant in Admiralty for Carl Bildt of Sweden which we wrote, which the King of Sweden has failed to act on. Someone should remind him. This is an Arrest Warrant for the Swedish Prime Minister, Cabinet, Nuncio and their predecessors. They must 'strip themselves' ... The picture language news in the media shows the meaning of "stripped" so Cardinals, solicitors, judges, Prime Ministers, bureaucrats, Kings and Cult Leaders in Europe, etc., can comprehend. Show it to the African Heads of State. "... debate on bullfighting just reached a new intellectual low. " http://www.thelocal.es/20160715/matador-finger-bullfighting In our microcosm, we have reached the same point. 'Void ab inito', 'fraud', 'nullity', 'misprision of treason', 'you have no jurisdiction', etc have no meaning to an 'officer of the court' from the Chancery Division. They have been told to "FUCK OFF" ... it appears that this was understood ... as of Friday. The guidance for the Heads of State is the same as for the Cardinals and the Company of Jesus / Society of Jesus, SMOM: Luke 10, which YHVH in Her wrathful aspect showed us today, specifically Luke 10:10-13. Tell them to strip themselves of office, privilege and repent before it is "literally" done to them. We send our love to YHVH for them! We suggested to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus to strip himself in St. Peter's Square. Has he forgotten? *The Sovereign*, LORD, YHVH, has dissolved the Society of Jesus. The evidence is everywhere. We send our love to YHVH for the members of the Society of Jesus. > "Burke will take over from Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi > on August 1." http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2016/07/11/greg_burke_new_director_of_holy_see_press_office_/ By this email we say hello to Mr. Greg Burke and Ms. Paloma Garcia Ovejero. Do they have a copy of prior letters and guidance from Your Holiness on them? We send our love to YHVH for them, for Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi and Your Holiness. Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master We suggest that you convey this message to the President, Prime Minister, Constitutional Council, Nuncio and National Assembly of France. Go now ... confess to the public and repent. 23:43 20 July 2016 Mrs. May is in Germany for a red carpet welcome, Lord Faulkes, a “justice minister ... covering ‘human rights’, ... has quit the Government under Theresa May. ... he questioned whether Ms Truss, whose previous Cabinet experience was as environment secretary, would be able to stand up in defence of judges ...”; HSBC executive Mark Johnson head of global foreign exchange cash trading is now in prison in New Your City, NATO fleet in battle formation off Turkey, French intel troops shot in Libya, ... History is on the move. Brexit Bye bye EU, EUHCR, ICC, UN ... a long list. But there is more to this Brexit than just a list of organisations to dismantle. A century of lies is at an end. The lie about no death penalty, the lie about human rights, the lies about causes of war, the lies about “money”, etc. Our first intervention with Mrs. May was just before she assumed office thus: Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 22:02:48 +0000 Rt. Hon. Theresa Mary May Housekeeper for Her Majesty's Commonwealth cc: His Holiness Pope Francis via Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II via Sandringham Estate cc: His Excellency George W. Bush, Duke of America in Her Majesty's Commonwealth Dear Mrs. May, We gather from the news that you will shortly be in Number 10. As of this evening, we have not heard of any arrest(s). We suggest you make preparations for such arrests immediately. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Attachment: fax.courtofrecord.uk/7CTcFR2M The Sovereign dissolves the U.K. Then she assumes office ... she is to visit Her Majesty ... we forward her the email above in the section above, ‘The Sovereign dissolves the E.U.’, with the following additional text: Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 02:15:44 +0000 Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: Spanish Monarchy Rt. Hon. Theresa Mary May Housekeeper for Her Majesty's Commonwealth cc: His Holiness Pope Francis via Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II via Sandringham Estate cc: His Excellency George W. Bush, Duke of America in Her Majesty's Commonwealth Dear Mrs. May, You will shortly visit with Her Majesty The Queen, so you can find out why you won't have to invoke "Article 50" with respect to the European Union. Just send them the movers. Her Majesty The Queen is Queen of France, Germany, Italy, etc. We have no desire to see Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond MP as 'Foreign Secretary'. Her Majesty may choose to explain whom we have suggested handle this office and why and what DNA and Hellebore has to do with it. In this context, Her Majesty may choose to explain about Alpheratz, Cetus, Princess Andromeda, Treason, Osborne, NZ PM John Key, and current threats from The Borg and the Southern Border Fence in the Mediterranean which is in place; about The Duke of the Rock, and the tune "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah" ... perhaps this was the tune on Mr. Cameron's lips as he left. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/10/21/pope_%E2%80%9Cunited_in_god,_we_are_not_nameless_i Her Majesty may choose to explain what Pope Francis may have meant. You can inform Mr. Corbyn that The Sovereign has dissolved UNITED KINGDOM [PLC], so he does not have to dingle on as a Klingon King. YHVH and I is One When Pope Francis threatened to "excommunicate" the Mafia, we wrote to His Holiness that we remain in communion with the Mafia. YHVH, BEING, is ever in 'communion' with every atom and 'human' 'personality' that 'exists'. You can thus reassure the Police and The Mafia in Essex that they won't be abandoned, nor is it our wish that there be a civil war there. A PDF of our Arrest Warrant, www.courtofrecord.org.uk/arrest-1, is attached. Sealed original(s) are with Her Majesty The Queen and Essex Police. We suggest to Her Majesty that your first act as Prime Minister is to arrest those named and send them to visit Pope Francis who can preach the way of Jesus Christ to them. We suggest to Her Majesty that your next act as Prime Minister is to make arrangements to accompany HRH Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, to visit Court of Record Trust Property at 32 Writtle Road, Chelmsford, so that arrangements can be made regarding the office of The Lord High Treasurer. It is our wish that there won't be a Chancellor or Treasury Commission. In this context, we suggest that Her Majesty inform you about our wishes regarding the Civil Service: Cabinet Secretary, Treasury Secretary, and all the Permanent Secretaries and their predecessors. We suggest to Her Majesty that you inform the new 'Greater London' Mayor that all his powers have been "stripped". His office is one of mechanical function regarding city infrastructure and he must ensure that such are carried out properly. We suggest that Her Majesty introduce you to the new Lord Mayor, the Lord High Steward and our Regent. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Attached: Chelmsford_Treason-20-May-2016-3.pdf Forwarded below a sequence of forwards with fax OC7jESdM.pdf. In this context you must note the top line and question Mr. Osborne about his recent visits, especially to America. How many counts of High Treason? [Editors note: see section above, 'The Sovereign dissolves the E.U.'] Attachment: fax.courtofrecord.uk/7CTcFR2M It is our wish that you contact Mr. Corbyn and let him resign and inform the Fabian Mayor of London, Mr. Khan, that his powers have been stripped. The dissolution of the corporate parliament is not instant, it involves a process of educating the government so it can govern itself and remove the tyranny of a foreign king who ruled by tyrannical means over a Parliament of idiots. In this regard, we suggest that you read the notes on stupidity, www.courtofrecord.uk/stupidity. The first Cabinet Meeting Our next intervention results, as it were, in the first Cabinet Meeting to discuss our our High Treason action against all Members of Parliament. Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 02:04:21 +0000 Subject: The Rule of Law Rt. Hon. Theresa Mary May Housekeeper for Her Majesty's Commonwealth cc: Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond, MP cc: His Holiness Pope Francis via Swiss Guard cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II via Sandringham Estate cc: His Excellency George W. Bush ... Duke of America in Her Majesty's Commonwealth 19 July 2016 02:03 GMT Dear Mrs. May, The grace of YHVH has shown us that you are a "very private person", who does not like being told what to do, who has now become a very public figure. We sympathise. You've made your first mistake. Napoleon said you should not let your enemy know when he is making a mistake. By advising you of your mistake you can know that we are not your enemy. The enemy, as always, is within thee - thy very ego, called 'Satan' in picture language, barring entry into the kingdom of heaven, BEING, where there is no ego. Note this word 'bar' ... the English ego has created barristers, servants of their ego, who bar the fruits of peace to their fellow men and women. The mistake you have made is to put party loyalty before BEING, YHVH, whose unchanging law is what has protected the 'British'. The word 'British' comes from the root Brith, which is a keeper of the covenant with Jesus Christ, who said, YHVH (father) and I is One. There is no such thing as party loyalty, as every politician must know, but they assume /they/ will be able to dominate their fellows to obtain it, these days usually as a result of some Ottoman style blood-bonding event. It gave the Ottomans a feeling of superiority in battle: "I, who am Sultan/Caesar, command thee to die". It resulted in their defeat. It is therefore encouraged by those who know this secret to create disposable idiots in charge of 'politics' - for example, 'Hitler'. The form of law we are using is the adversarial system of the Common Law. "Her Majesty The Queen Commands you to attend this Court!", for example, is a Brutem Fulmen - an empty threat. It was in vogue at the top of English court documents precisely because it is an empty threat. It was a sad day when the then UK 'Parliament' removed this and the current system of solicitors - licensed beggars at the Duumviri court of Caesar, the Chancery Division, was put into play to 'terrify' the English. No true English man or woman is terrified. They are not terrified because there is a superior system of law available, a Court of Record, enshrined in the Acts of the English king in Parliament agreed on, in the 1770 Parliamentary Privileges Act. This Court of Record of YHVH is, in addition, a Court of Law, which has final jurisdiction, for it started by defining how any known idea, thing or theory can result in 'evidence' upon which the Court must decide. Your action to create Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond as Chancellor against our suggestion, has immediately placed his life in danger. You must inform him of this. Your own life is in danger as well, for High Treason against all Members of Parliament is an action in this Court of Record. We informed your predecessor about this state of affairs in our letter dated 21 July 2015 about "Lucky Larry". This letter is published as www.courtofrecord.uk/Cameron-2. The Parliament Act 1911 is void and of no help to you. In 1908 the House of Commons was 'incorporated', which means, it legally became a House of Idiots, who declared a "war on poverty" in the 1908 People's Budget. The result, World War I, is the proof, with the tragic loss of life in the Somme. It is our wish that this won't happen again. You can now inform Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond that he has 24 hours to arrest the traitors in the Chancery Division and the Civil Service Treasury department. We say "24 hours" ... for time is of the essence. We send our love to YHVH for Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond and for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master Attachment: www.courtofrecord.uk/Cameron-2 Contemplation of YHVH has shown us that Mrs. May has been informed of the meaning of “Ottoman style blood-bonding”, which is so popular amongst “Catholics”. 22:44 GMT 24 July 2016 Hot Tea is brewing in Brexit Britain. Mars opposite Algol, Saturn conjunct Antares opposite Aldebaran; Belgium has gone purple, Norway black; “Huge fire breaks out near NATO base in Turkey”; There is pressure on the Japanese Emperor to abdicate, ‘they’ have promised Brazil to Japan; Jesus will come from the East ... together with smurfette, says the chatter. We suggest that you ring up the Queen Mathilde of Belgium and say that there has been a good sign in the report we have heard about a Rose Garden planted by Belgian nuns before World War I, far away from Belgium, which is being restored with old varieties of roses. Arrest Warrant This is an arrest warrant for Mr. Luigi Ventura, Machiavellian Prince of Darkness, who thinks he is still Nuncio to His Holiness Pope Francis. We suggest that Queen Mathilde of Belgium send a battalion of Belgian women to arrest him or tear him to pieces at their wish. We suggest you download, print and read www.courtofrecord.uk/france-1, which is deemed an attachment to this letter. 00:21 GMT 25 July 2016 We close this contemplation taking cognisance that, a man known as HHJ Barker in the Chancery Division, has committed an Act of High Treason on 22 July 2016 after Mr. Justice Nugee failed to make a decision on 21 July 2016. Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:56:26 +0100 To: Fisher, Howard Kennedy, Banks, Mrs. May, HMQ, Pope, etc. FYI - Abigail Jones / Fisher Partners Attached : High Treason / Chancellor / Chancery Division This has resulted in the news Lord Faulkes has resigned, judges in danger. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3697378/Justice-minister-QUITSappointment-Liz-Truss-Lord-Chancellor-blasting-inexperience-warning-wont-able-stand-judges-Cabinet.html -------- Original Message -------Subject: Fwd: Keison International Limited - Hearing on Thursday 21 July at 2pm in the High Court of Justice, Rolls Building, Fetter Lane [FSI-FSI.FID3420658] Date: From: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 19:44:37 +0100 Keir Argent To: Minal Backhouse CC: Command Pontifical Swiss Guard, HMQ, GWB, Secretary 20 July 2016 To : Minal Backhouse, Managing Director Backhouse Solicitors Ltd Incorporating Duffield Stunt Solicitors 1799 cc : His Holiness Pope Francis via Swiss Guard cc : Her Majesty The Queen ......Court of St James cc : H. E. George W Bush, head of CIA Dear Minal, The following are my instructions to Abigail Jones: We have heard testimony from Craig and others that Abigail Jones and Mark Gishen want to 'get out' and that Abigail once offered to "adjudicate" regarding Alexis's 'claim'. Tell her that if she wants *clemency* from this Court of Record in the trial for High Treason, she is to return keys and bank account(s), codes and corporate directorship immediately to my control. She can tell Alexis to "fuck off", that is to say in the language of Abigail, "adjudicate" against him. Fuck the mimecast! Best regards, Keir Argent -------- Original Message -------Subject: Keison International Limited - Hearing on Thursday 21 July at 2pm in the High Court of Justice, Rolls Building, Fetter Lane [FSI-FSI.FID3420658] Date: From: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 18:30:37 +0100 jerome.small ! howardkennedy.com To: keir CC: Suzanne Jones I'm using Mimecast to share large files with you. Please see the attached instructions. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Mr Argent, By way of service please find attached a link to the hearing bundle for the hearing in the above matter which has been listed for tomorrow. Please note that due to size of the documents, I have had to send these documents to you using Mimecast which requires you to download the documents. Kind regards, Jerome Small The consequences of this High Treason by the man known as HHJ Barker QC are sub judice in this Court of Record. His document is void and of no effect - the ranting of a lunatic as it were. We have added the Duke of Switzerland section above so there is no doubt for any officer of UNITED KINGDOM corporation, now dissolved. We suggest that the Spanish Court contact Metrobank and Fisher, with whom you must have a relationship, and order them to hand over the UK company and its bank accounts to the living man, Keir Argent. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master PDF version: fax.courtofrecord.uk/7CTcFR2M www.courtofrecord.uk