Fax: fax.courtofrecord.uk/ovrEXqPF Date: 2016-09-26 To: yves.albarello yves albarello Dear Sir or Madam, Custom courtesy copy of our Amicus curiae regarding the dissolution of the UNITED STATES is attached. Similarly, the 5th Republic, the corporate FRANCE is dissolved. We suggest you read www.courtofrecord.uk Amicus curiae(s) including but not limited to http://www.courtofrecord.uk/Treason-Parliament http://www.courtofrecord.uk/mental-courts and those in the Readme section at the top of the site. How long do ye wish the farce to continue? Court of Record R EC OR LEX TERRAE OF L LO BAL IS ES D G TO: _MULTIPLE_ FAX: yves.albarello DATE: 26 September 2016 ISRAEL COURT Court of Record Postfach 73 Unterageri CH6314 Switzerland secretary@courtofrecord.org UK FAX : +44 1234 48 0111 26 September 2016: C ourt e sy c op y for all S wi ss c a nt ons . Do ye like Domino's Pizza? SCOTUS copy published at www.courtofrecord.uk/dissolved and The Press has been notified, see www.courtofrecord.uk/press-1 Does freedom of The Press exist in Switzerland? Ye are c omma nde d to serve a copy on the men and women at the top of all Swiss AGs and ‘banks’ in thy Canton. 26 September 2016: Courtesy copy for French Senators, Deputies and MEPs. “I l a p e rdu sa c ul ot t e a F uk ushi ma ” , attirer l'attention: Sarkozy, Juppe, Fabius. Godess ISIS says: “No burkini for thee! Not even a Speedo!! ... Sprechen Sie Deutsch? ¡Porky meow porky!” Copy to Le Monde and Le Fig aro. Shame shame! 19 September 2016: Courtesy copy for thee and the Principal thou report to. UNI TE D S TA TE S i s di ssol v e d. How long dost thou wish the farce to continue? YHVH is BEING. Being IS. “Is isn’t”, is the statement of a fool. Contemplation of YHVH, That Which IS, results in peace. When contemplation of YHVH tracks those who claim to be “leaders”, it unmasks the knives behind their back. 9/11 was a call for help. Didst thou hear it? His Excellency George W. Bush Duke of America in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: H.R.H. Prince Philip Lord High Admiral cc: H.R.H. Princess Anne, The Princess Royal cc: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lord High Steward cc: H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Palmyra, Joint Intelligence Chief cc: Court of St. James cc: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI cc: His Holiness Pope Francis cc: Commander Swiss Guard cc: His Majesty the King Felipe VI Duke of The Rock in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Queen Letizia of Spain cc: His Excellency Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Duke of Russia in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia cc: Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations (DECR) via Russian Ambassador cc: Queen Rania of Jordan cc: His Excellency Shimon Peres, Patriarch cc: Allies for the Rule of God’s Law Open Letter Amicus curiæ 16 September 2016 Dear George W. Bush, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, greeting! Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 16:55:39 +0000f To: Peres, HMQ, GWB, Theresa May, Pope Francis via Commander, Swiss Guard Subject: Fwd: fax to His Holiness Pope Francis For the immediate attention of His Excellency Shimon Peres to forward to Israeli MFA; His Excellency Georg e W. Bush and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II], Rt. Hon. Theresa Mary May. Kindly print attached PDF for them, which is also available from: www. c ourt of re c ord. uk / c i v i l Notes for His Excellency Shimon Peres: Contemplation of YHVH reveals that the question to ask is, has INS Rahav, an Israeli Dolphin 2-class submarine, been "lost at sea" in an expedition to blackmail America? Other questions follow log ically from that, why has Netanyahu not disclosed this, who are those in Malta/Italy who are involved, etc. The next question to ask is, the g race of YHVH informs us, is there an Armag eddon Plot to force an all out dirty war over Jerusalem. If this is true, then the "civil" deadline to execute our Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu and Lieberman is the upcoming full moon, 16 September 2016, which is now extended to anyone who is involved in such blackmail, wherever in the world they may be. We sug g est that the following are printed as they are relevant: ht t p : / / www. c ourt of re c ord. uk / me nt a l -c ourt s ht t p : / / www. c ourt of re c ord. uk / Tre a son-P a rl i a me nt ht t p : / / www. c ourt of re c ord. uk / b ust e d We believe, that as a result of the g race of YHVH, The Italian Bear hiding in Russia won't be able to help those involved. -------- Forwarded Messag e -------Subject: g sp Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 16:21:38 +0000 From: Court of Record fax To: Pope Francis via Swiss Guard Fax: Date: 2016-09-13 To: g sp Pope Francis via Swiss Guard. This is an Arrest Warrant for all Jesuits/SMOM/etc. pushing for Armag eddon, no thing , bar, nuclear bunker or military withstanding . It can be seen that YHVH Himself has "arrested" Netanyahu and that he is now plunging towards The Event horizon, of a black hole, at whose centre lives One, YHVH, single, a singularity. Subsequent to our prior email to His Excellency Shimon Peres regarding Netanyahu's “loss at sea” of their nuclear submarine, His Excellency was "sedated" at a hospital, showing the Roman ‘African Medicine Man’ approach in action, thereby confirming the attempted nuclear first strike on America and the loss of the nuclear submarine in the attempt to ignite the Armageddon Plot. It is a sin before YHVH that such little respect is given to His Excellency Shimon Peres, Patriarch and father. Do those who have done this think they are going to escape this Court of Record of YHVH ? Shaked: ‘Penny has dropped’ www.timesofisrael.com/shaked-penny-has-dropped-for-facebook-onincitement/ > Former defence minister suggests he had a better agreement in the > works last year; Barak doubles down on Netanyahu criticism, says > urgent change in government needed. www.timesofisrael.com/yaalon-38-billion-military-aid-deal-with-us-notenough/ It can be seen that the grace of YHVH has dissolved the Roman State of ISRAEL. We have contemplated the following course of action before YHVH: By the grace of YHVH, That which IS, Allah by another name, we create the living woman known as Queen Rania of Jordan as Duchess of Jerusalem in Her Majesty's Commonwealth. By the grace of YHVH, That which IS, Allah by another name, we create the living woman known as Ayelet Shaked as Housekeeper for the land known as Palestine in Her Majesty's Commonwealth. We suggest that this “urgent change of government” be initiated at once to replace the now defunct Knesset and the “torn pair of knickers” Dual Roman Magistracy puppet mastered from Italy and Rome. Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2016 16:02:03 +0000 To: Peres, GWB For the immediate attention of His Excellency Shimon Peres. Kindly download and print linked documents in the PDF for His Excellency. Fax attempt at 03:33 GMT failed. Attn GWB - make arrangements to replace idiots below. Kindly inform the MFA that the '10 year' deal with the 'US' for 'defence' is not worth the paper it is printed on. The UNITED STATES is dissolved. The dual Roman magistracy of Netanyahu and Lieberman is a "torn pair of knickers". The same goes for the Nuncio and Pizzaballa and 'ISRAEL' vs 'PALESTINE'. -------- Forwarded Message -------Subject: ThePeresCenterForPeace Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2016 03:25:27 +0000 From: Court of Record fax To: The Peres Center For Peace Fax: Date: 2016-08-07 To: 97235627265 The Peres Center For Peace This is an Arrest Warrant for those in the puppet master chain - they are wanted dead or alive by this Court of Record of YHVH, as are the men in /A-maat-tree-chee/, Amatrice, The Matrix. “They plan to crucify / torture Pope Francis - a plan three decades in the making.”. Contemplation of YHVH reveals that, it should be proposed to Netanyahu that he should offer himself in place of His Holiness Pope Francis. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master PDF version: fax.courtofrecord.uk/ovrEXqPF www.courtofrecord.uk Fax: fax.courtofrecord.uk/3oZJ1URX Date: 2016-09-13 To: gsp Pope Francis via Swiss Guard. This is an Arrest Warrant for all Jesuits/SMOM/etc. pushing for Armageddon, no thing, bar, nuclear bunker or military withstanding. Court of Record R EC OR LEX TERRAE OF L LO BAL IS ES D G TO: OGWB, Windsor Castle FAX: gsp DATE: 10 September 2016 Due Process and Rules of Engagement COURT Court of Record Postfach 73 Unterageri CH6314 Switzerland secretary@courtofrecord.org UK FAX : +44 1234 48 0111 His Excellency George W. Bush Duke of America in Her Majesty’s Commonwealth cc: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth [II] cc: H.R.H. Prince Philip Lord High Admiral cc: H.R.H. Princess Anne, The Princess Royal cc: Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Lord High Steward cc: H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Palmyra, Joint Intelligence Chief cc: Court of St. James Open Letter Amicus curiæ 10 September 2016 - 11 September 2016 Dear George W. Bush, In the name of YHVH, Truth, Our Lord Jesus Christ, greeting! 21:44 GMT 10 September 2016 “Thee and thine enemy are the One that I am”, is a terse summary of Dharma, and of the Gospel, that must be unpacked and communicated to those that prosecute ‘acts of war’ or ‘justice’. “What you do to those you hate, you do to Me, saith the LORD”, is another way of saying it. “(47.3) He who has no feeling of sympathy with the suffering that he observes, is no sage. He identifies himself with everything, even a suffering ant or an injured snake. Poets like Wordsworth have felt or imagined their oneness with the whole universe, but they have not realised the truth of it as a sage.” www.courtofrecord.org.uk/archive/wisdomsgoldenrod.org/publications/iyer/iyerbook.pdf The unpublished notebooks of Sri V. S. Iyer, quoted in: www.courtofrecord.org.uk/Lords-1 We suggest both links above are downloaded and printed for study by thyself and thy family, and passed on in due process [vide post]. In that Amicus curiae, we began a contemplation for Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, which eventually became the letter that is now published, where that is the letter within, addressed to Her Majesty The Queen and the Ladies of the Court of St. James. “(438.) Sri Ramakrishna adapted his teaching to the people he was talking to. To common people he said "If you utter the name of God it is enough." This was the highest they could practice. But he had quite a superior teaching for the few who could grasp it. So when people say Ramakrishna taught this or that, and the teachings contradict each other you must stop to inquire to whom did he teach this and with what idea?” “These Ladies of the Court of St. James are not a gaggle of giddy girls”, we have said, in this letter, “What about all the men? The women know that the men have been stupid, have wasted their lives chasing imagination, sex, money and guns. The women will have to teach them”. In this letter, we are writing to you, to ask you to have the ladies in your family, who are no gaggle of giddy girls, read this letter, learn its lessons and pass them on to others, for example, Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who is embattled and who, ‘in her own words - “can be perceived as aloof or cold or unemotional”’. Mrs. Clinton’s words were quoted in The Telegraph. “Why can’t a woman, be more like a man”, is the complaint of Professor Higgins in My Fair Lady. Our purpose is quite different, it is to let women be women and thereby recall men who have lost their way back to the path of Truth. A woman can do everything a man can do, plus something a man can never do, which is, to give birth to a man. Due Process We reiterate our wish here for the ladies of your family to convey this to Mrs. Clinton and her girls and to other ladies. It is ‘due process’, in its own way. If every woman told five other women and so on, the world of women will be informed in no time, and their men thereby. The era of lies for the sake of lies, equivocation and prevarication instead of duty is over. It is our wish to see the truth stated plainly and intention made clear with an open hand. It is our wish that even those engaged in an Admiralty situation to give their ‘enemy’ an opportunity, a Writ of Mandamus to return to a civil process. With the grace of YHVH, even “wild boars” may begin to read. Rules of Engagement We have seen the ‘Egyptian’ mode of warfare operations in action, for example, during the first Gulf War against Saddam Hussein, when a specialist team raided the Bank of Iraq, and were all subsequently killed. Another example is those who were sent to kill “Osama Bin Laden”. Any such instances will be fully researched and published. Any commander who sends men off on a suicide mission - or worse, kills those who return from a mission as may have happened recently, may be subject to court-martial in this Court of Record of YHVH. It is our wish that you communicate this to all levels of the war machine. The laws of Egypt, the law of YHVH who is the LORD of the Great Pyramid in this regard, are clearly recorded in the parables of the Torah. 26:7 So David and Abishai came to the people by night: and, behold, Saul lay sleeping within the trench, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster: but Abner and the people lay round about him. 26:8 Then said Abishai to David, God hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day: now therefore let me smite him, I pray thee, with the spear even to the earth at once, and I will not smite him the second time. 26:9 And David said to Abishai, Destroy him not: for who can stretch forth his hand against the LORD's anointed, and be guiltless? 26:10 David said furthermore, As the LORD liveth, the LORD shall smite him; or his day shall come to die; or he shall descend into battle, and perish. 26:11 The LORD forbid that I should stretch forth mine hand against the LORD's anointed: but, I pray thee, take thou now the spear that is at his bolster, and the cruse of water, and let us go. 26:12 So David took the spear and the cruse of water from Saul's bolster; and they gat them away, and no man saw it, nor knew it, neither awaked: for they were all asleep; because a deep sleep from the LORD was fallen upon them. The First Book of Samuel, Otherwise Called: The First Book of the Kings. Cleanup of Serco 1. Abel Danger (AD) claims White's Club of London offers Hillary Clinton and her DOJ Pride elites a death-bet listing service to wager on the time of deaths of victims whom it deems unsuited to lead a supranational government of world bankers and radical feminists. 2. AD claims that Serco shareholders led by world bankers and White's UK government insiders have synchronised Hillary Clinton's private server to a global network of 8(a) companies so that they can select and kill or intimidate listed victims in Zulu time. http://www.abeldanger.net/2016/06/2708-death-bet-list-of-clintonpride.html We have followed these developments since Jim Bells’ essay on death betting. Why does a grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, whose legacy has English Common Law and all the legal means of confronting an insane enemy as we have demonstrated, resort to such? Civil means must be used first. We have shown this in near-real time contemplation of the “busting” of a certain man. There are those who are very eager to blow up the “farmhouse”, says the chatter. “Philip Hammond looks glum as EU finance ministers forget Europe's economic woes with an impromptu game of 'Who Am I?'”, says a headline. According to the information we have, neither he, nor Mrs. May, have done their duty to carry out arrests - or even, with Misprision of Treason hanging around their necks, informed those who are recklessly and blindly pursuing their objective in the London High Court of no authority, to cease and desist from their nefarious practice and return stolen property. It is our wish that you convey this Writ of Mandamus in no uncertain terms to the British Cabinet and Civil Servants. We send our love to YHVH for thee! Yours faithfully, Joseph Ray Sundarsson Special Master PDF version: fax.courtofrecord.uk/3oZJ1URX www.courtofrecord.uk